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The break in the big Macdonald's voice took away from Ranald all power of speech, and without a word of reply, he had to let his uncle go. Yankee's good by was characteristic. "Well, guess I'll git along. Wish you were comin' back with us, but you've struck your gait, I guess, and you're goin' to make quite a dust. Keep your wind till the last quarter; that's where the money's lost.

Think of what you could do with one hundred and fifty dollars of the Yankee's money. Think of what it would buy food and I know not what a fine dress for your sweetheart, to take her away from that rival of yours. And it is all good money, too." "How am I to know it?" "Carramba! Couldn't you take my word. You know me, Jose, and what I do for Spain. Do you not know that I am a friend of Blanco's?

The flap fell again and my panic was turned into a joy qualified only by a reduced esteem for my general as a judge of character. Old Dismukes rose. "Good-night. Shall I send this boy that Yankee's horse?" "Oh I was forgetting that; yes, do!" At the door the Colonel gave me a last look. "Good-night, Legs." I dared not retort, but I looked so hard at his paunch that the General smiled.

The "Yankee's" tonnage is 4,695 tons; length, 408 feet; beam, 48 feet. The battery carried consists of ten five-inch quick-firing breechloaders, six six-pounders, and two Colt automatic guns. After events proved conclusively the efficiency of the "Yankee's" armament. The detail was taken alongside the "Yankee" by the tug.

Yankee's visit had been a godsend, not only to Ranald with his work, but also to Macdonald Dubh. He would talk to the grim, silent man by the hour, after the day's work was done, far into the night, till at length he managed to draw from him the secret of his misery. "I will never be a man again," he said, bitterly, to Yankee. "And there is the farm all to pay for.

Kirby slapped his hand on the horn of his Mexican saddle. "Now that's what an hombre wants to hear. You change pasture on a good colt, makes him even fatter! Come blue bellies all ovah this heah territory, we jus' shift range. An' nobody gonna take Texas! Even the horny toads would spit straight in a Yankee's eye " "How 'bout it, Sarge?"

It was nothing more than an old barrel suspended by a rope from the middle of a stout oar. Quite an ingenious contrivance of the Yankee's; and his proposed arrangement with regard to mine and the doctor's shoulders was equally so.

The "Yankee's" crew were at regular quarters at the time, but a hurried order to dismiss and clear ship for action sent the different guns' crews scurrying to their stations. To add to the interest, word came from the bridge to train the guns aft and to do everything possible to disguise the cruiser. "We are to masquerade as a blooming merchantman," chuckled "Dye."

Schenke saw the pleased look with which old Burke regarded the Yankee's preparations for departure. "Goot bizness, eh?" he said. "You t'ink you fly de flack on de Hilda nex' Sonndag, Cabtin? Veil! Ah wish you goot look, but you dond't got it all de same!" "Oh, well, Captain Schenke, we can but thry," said the old man.

"`Och, says he, `who'll sell me a place? and with that he offered a lot o' pure goold lumps. "`Guess it's too little, says the man next me. "`Ah, ye thievin' blackguard! says I. `Here, yer honer, I'll sell ye my place for half the lot. I can wait for me letter, more be token I'm not sure there is wan. For, ye see, I wos riled at the Yankee's greed.