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"Oh," she cried impulsively; "wouldn't that be wondherful!" Suddenly she gave a little elfish chuckle and whispered: "But half the fun to-night has been that I'm supposed to be sleepin' across beyant there and HERE I am stalin' time" She crooned softly: "'Sure the best of all WAYS to lengthen our DAYS, Is to stale a few hours from the NIGHT, me dear." "You've stolen them!" said Jerry softly.

What wud we be doin' tryin' to run Ireland when we can run America. Answer me that, sez he. 'Run America? sez I, all dazed. 'That's what the Irish are doin' this minnit. Ye'd betther get on in while the goin's good. It's a wondherful melon the Irish are goin' to cut out here one o' these fine days, an' he gave me a knowin' grin, shouted to me where he was to be found and away he wint."

But oh, Masther Robert, I a'most forgot to tell ye, account of that spalpeen that thought to hindher yer own fosther-brother from comin' to see ye; but there's the most wondherful baste out in the say this minit; an' it's spoutin' up water like the fountain that used to be at Dunore, only a power bigger; an' lyin' a-top of the waves like an island, for all the world!

Ethel brought the letter up to her eyes and read the superscription. "Think so?" she asked calmly. "I do," cried Peg hotly. "I do. It's the most wondherful thing in the whole wurrld. To love a good man, who loves you. A man that made ye hot and cold by turns: burnin' like fire one minnit an' freezin' like ice the next.

''Tis a tremendous night, gentlemen, so by your leave I'll stir the fire and, yes, I seen him, poor Nutter and, paugh, an ugly sight he is, I can tell you; here Larry, bring me a rummer-glass of punch his right ear's gone, and a'most all his right hand and screeching hot, do you mind an', phiew altogether 'tis sickening them fishes, you know I'm a'most sorry I went in you remember Dogherty's whiskey shop in Ringsend he lies in the back parlour, and wondherful little changed in appearance.

Brent slowly behind her back and answered coldly: "No. I have not." "Have ye ever THOUGHT about it?" "Yes." "WHAT do ye think about it?" questioned Peg eagerly. "Rot!" replied Ethel, decidedly. "ROT? ROT?" cried Peg, unable to believe her ears. "Sentimental nonsense that only exists in novels." "Ye're wrong!" insisted the anxious Peg; "ye're wrong. It's the most wondherful thing in the wurrld!"

Whin ye come to think iv it 'tis wondherful that anny man cud cross th' Atlantic in annything. Th' Atlantic Ocean is a fine body iv wather, but it's a body iv wather just th' same. It wasn't intinded to be thravelled on. Ye cud put ye'er foot through it annywhere. It's sloppy goin' at best. Th' on'y time a human being can float in it is afther he's dead.

"I want knowledge now. I know what you mean by bein' at a disadvantage. I used to despise learnin'. I've laughed at it. I never will again. Why I can't even talk yer language. Every wurrd I use is wrong. I never knew of such people. I didn't dhream what a wondherful power in the wurrld was the power of love. I used to think it somethin' to kape to yerself and never spake of out in the open.

I wanted to be a Jap an' belong to th' higher civvylization. Hogan had a Jap frind that used to come in here with him. Hogan thought he was a Prince, but he was a cook an' a student in a theelogical siminry. They'd talk be th' hour about th' beauties iv what Hogan called th' Flowery Kingdom. 'Oh, wondherful land, says Hogan. 'Land iv chrysanthymums an' cherry blossoms a' gasyhee girls, says he.

"Why the O'Shaughrans, sir hopin', indeed, that your honor will let them wait till the markets rises, an not be forced to sell the grain whin the prices is so low now that it would ridin them but it's wondherful the onraisonableness of some people. Says I, 'his honor, Mr.