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It cannot be matter of any fault that two people do not want to marry each other. 'Of course I asked him no positive question. It would be indelicate even in me to have done that. But he spoke as though he thought very highly of you. 'No doubt he does. And so do I of Mr Possitt. 'Mr Possitt is a very excellent young man, said Mrs Winterfield, gravely.

The day of the arrival at last came, and Clara certainly was in a twitter, although she had steadfastly resolved that she would be in no twitter at all. She had told her aunt by letter of the proposed visit, and Mrs Winterfield had expressed her approbation, saying that she hoped it would lead to good results. Of what good results could her aunt be thinking?

Mrs Winterfield was, in truth, the sister of a gentleman who had married Clara's aunt there having been marriages and intermarriages between the Winterfields and the Folliotts and the Belton-Amedroz families.

The subtly inquiring intellect of Father Benwell amused itself by speculating even on such a trifling problem as this. He little thought that he had a personal interest in the letter. The envelope contained Stella's warning to Winterfield to distrust no less a person than Father Benwell himself! It was nearly half-past five before quick footsteps were audible outside. Winterfield entered the room.

"I understand you," said Romayne. "Mr. Winterfield's marriage at Brussels " "Which the English law," Father Benwell interposed, "declares to be annulled by the marriage before the registrar, stands good, nevertheless, by the higher law of the Church. Mr. Winterfield is Miss Eyrecourt's husband, as long as they both live.

The steward, soon afterward, dismissed all the servants, and the house was left empty for more than a year. At the end of that time Mr. Winterfield returned alone to Beaupark House, and told nobody how, or where, he had passed the long interval of his absence. Mr. Winterfield remains, to the present day, an unmarried man.

Forgive me, if I say no more for the present. I prefer to be silent, until my audacity is justified by events. * Father Benwell's experience had, in this case, not misled him. If Stella had remained unmarried, Winterfield might have justified himself.

And Mrs Winterfield kept a low, four-wheeled, one-horsed phaeton, in which she made her pilgrimages among the poor of Perivale, driven by the most solemn of stable-boys, dressed up in a great white coat, the most priggish of hats, and white cotton gloves. At the rate of five miles an hour was she driven about, and this driving was to her the amusement of life.

Accept what I have written thus far and be assured that the conclusion of my report shall follow a day later. The doctor began cautiously. "Winterfield is not a very common name," he said. "But it may not be amiss, Father Benwell, to discover, if we can, whether your Winterfield is the man of whom I am in search. Do you only know him by name? or are you a friend of his?"

It doesn't do for a man in my position to show anger. Romayne went on. "We talked of my wife, Father Benwell, the last time you were here. You only knew, then, that her reception of Mr. Winterfield had determined him never to enter my house again. By way of adding to your information on the subject of 'petticoat government, I may now tell you that Mrs.