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My introduction to the master of the house followed my introduction to the library almost as a matter of course. I am about to surprise you, as I was myself surprised. In all my long experience, Mr. Winterfield is, I think, the most fascinating person I ever met with. It is absolutely impossible to look at him, and to believe him to be capable of a cruel or dishonorable action.

The name of the lady who stood to Clara in the place of an aunt has been already mentioned. When a girl has a mother, her aunt may be little or nothing to her. But when the mother is gone, if there be an aunt unimpeded with other family duties, then the family duties of that aunt begin and are assumed sometimes with great vigour. Such had been the case with Mrs Winterfield.

"And one of his favorites happens to be your favorite, too." She tried to look at Winterfield, but her eyes sank. She could turn toward him, and that was all. "Is it the sea-piece in the study?" she said to him faintly. "Yes," he answered, with formal politeness; "it seems to me to be one of the painter's finest works." Romayne looked at him in unconcealed wonder.

But these limits had been straitened in the days of the grandfather and the father of Bernard Amedroz; and he, when he married a Miss Winterfield of Taunton, was thought to have done very well, in that mortgages were paid off the property with his wife's money to such an extent as to leave him in clear possession of an estate that gave him two thousand a year.

Frank Osbaldistone, are not the first bully-boy that has said stand to a true man. There was Jack Winterfield, in my young days, kept the best company in the land at horse-races and cock-fights who but he hand and glove was I with Jack. Push the bottle, Mr.

It was clear to them both that the doctor did not expect that Mrs Winterfield would again leave her bed; and it was clear to Clara also that her aunt was of the same opinion. 'I shall hardly be able to go home now, she said. 'It will be kind of you if you can remain. 'And you? 'I shall remain over the Sunday.

Winterfield; and I have ascertained that they are, so far, perfect strangers to one another and that is all. The little incident of mentioning Romayne arose out of my examination of the library. I discovered certain old volumes, which may one day be of use to him, if he continues his contemplated work on the Origin of Religions. Hearing me express myself to this effect, Mr.

"But our association has been a pleasant one, and I think I owe to you the duty of a friend. I don't belong to your Church; but I hope you will believe me when I say that ignorant prejudice against the Catholic priesthood is not one of my prejudices." Father Benwell bowed, in silence. "You are mentioned," Winterfield proceeded, "in the letter which I have just read."

Don't place yourself in that position toward your husband, if you wish for a happy married life." Stella was not quite convinced yet. "Suppose Romayne finds it out?" she said. "He can't possibly find it out. I detest Winterfield, but let us do him justice. He is no fool. He has his position in the world to keep up and that is enough of itself to close his lips.

"The sooner the better," Winterfield answered, cordially. "Will to-morrow do by the noonday light?" "Whenever you please. Your time is mine." Among his other accomplishments, Father Benwell was a chess-player. If his thoughts at that moment had been expressed in language, they would have said, "Check to the queen." ON the next morning, Winterfield arrived alone at Romayne's house.