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But it seemed stiff and "missish" to refuse she must do now as his world did. And it was another little thing; she wanted little things, all the time wanted them. She drew back a window-curtain, and they stood there side by side. The sea was deep blue beneath bright stars, and the moon shone through a ragged pine-tree on a little headland.

About eleven o'clock he thought he would raise the window, and let the cool air fan his burning brow; as he did so a piece of paper was blown from among the folds of the window-curtain, and lay at his feet on the floor. Prosper mechanically picked it up, and looked at it. It was covered with writing, the handwriting of Nina Gypsy; he could not be mistaken about that.

The young minister, on ceasing to speak, had withdrawn a few steps from the group, and stood with his face partially concealed in the heavy folds of the window-curtain; while the shadow of his figure, which the sunlight cast upon the floor, was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal.

There were four, and I was the last whom he approached. I was standing in the shadow of the window-curtain, which I had clutched for support, and, as he came close to me, our eyes met for the first time that day, and I can never, never forget the pleading mournfulness, the passionate tenderness, the despair, that filled his.

He sealed his letters, and began pacing his little room. Writing home had brought his old life near him again; the distance it had come to reach him seemed enormous. "It was only a few days ago," he thought, "and yet I am so different!" He rolled up his paper window-curtain and softly raised the window. The moon made the landscape look more vast and desolate than it was in the light of day.

Bolton spoke, now peeping through the window-curtain, now cleaning the mugs and plates, and consigning them to their place in the corner cupboard; and finishing her speech as she and Fanny shook out and folded up the dinner-cloth between them, and restored it to its drawer in the table.

Let us go up to the flagged garden," he suggested; "the sea is glittering like a million scimitars. One has a better view up there." "But it is not so warm," said Karen. "I am walking here to be in the sun." Mr. Drew had also been walking there to be in the sun; but they were in full view of the house and he was aware of a hand at Madame von Marwitz's window-curtain.

I have something serious to say to you!" "Did you answer him?" "As soon as I could catch my breath, I said, 'Wait a little, and ran downstairs to you. What shall I do?" "Let me see him, and I will tell you." We entered her room. Keeping cautiously behind the window-curtain, I looked out. There he was! His beard and mustache were shaved off; his hair was close cut.

It came to this, that she had a tea-gown made out of a window-curtain with a flamboyant pattern. Solomon in all his glory would have been ashamed of himself in her presence. But this was not all. Her disposition, her ideas, her whole life, was changed. She did not any more think of going about doing good, but of amusing herself. She read nothing but stories in paper covers.

'Twere better I should retire at once, and leave her to herself," and the young man slowly retreated toward the door. But at this moment there were alarming symptoms of distress in the window-curtain; and the major paused as a voice from its dimity depths said plaintively, "And YOU are going without forgiving me!"