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He staggered over to the window-curtain, which he mistook for that of the bed; in vain they wanted to lead him elsewhere he would sleep in no other bed but that and, backing out at the window-pane, he made a smash, of which he seemed sensible, for he said it wasn't a fair trick to put pins in the bed. "I know it was Oonah did that! hip! ha! ha! Lady Scatterbrain! never mind hip!

Hitherto you have lain perfectly still, because the slightest motion would dissipate the fragments of your slumber. Now, being irrevocably awake, you peep through the half-drawn window-curtain, and observe that the glass is ornamented with fanciful devices in frost-work, and that each pane presents something like a frozen dream.

"By Heaven! it is well-nigh gone!" said Aylmer to himself, in almost irrepressible ecstasy. "I can scarcely trace it now. Success! success! And now it is like the faintest rose color. The lightest flush of blood across her cheek would overcome it. But she is so pale!" He drew aside the window-curtain and suffered the light of natural day to fall into the room and rest upon her cheek.

This last question was put to my small cousin, who, in the horror of her belief that my father had gone mad, had agitated the window-curtain and revealed herself! My poor dear father! I can imagine the scene well, and would not have detailed it so minutely here if but enough. I must not forecast.

During this time Monsieur and Madame Giraud hid themselves behind the window-curtain. "Amuse yourself, men ami," said Madame Beaver, to the liberated Pole. "Ah, madame," sighed Monsieur Sovolofski, "how can I be gay! All my property confiscated by the Emperor of Russia! Has La Pologne no Brutus?" "I think you are in love," said the host, clapping him on the back.

He came up to the city during one of his lapses, and called at my office. A little black pickaninny followed him, grinning and carrying a big bundle, covered with a new lace window-curtain. "I am but a bearer of votive flowers," Joe said, bowing. Then turning to the little darky, he waved his hand loftily. "Unveil the offering!"

"That Society keeps you till dark." Emmy Lou knew when Aunt Cordelia's tones were final. She had feared this. She stood fingering the window-curtain irresolute. In her heart she felt her literary qualifications were not being appreciated in Platonian circles anyway. A dancing club it sounded alluring. The window was near the bureau with its mirror she stole a look.

Gridley was the man who helped Flemister last night at Silver Switch with Hallock trying again to stop him, and Judson trying to keep tab on Hallock, and getting him mixed up with Gridley at every turn, even to mistaking Gridley's voice and his shadow on the window-curtain for Hallock's.

Miss Jemima was peeping out from behind the window-curtain, with the eagerness of a girl. "Why," she exclaimed, as the occupants of the carriage began to alight, "it's Mr. and Mrs. Brownlow, the retired b ." "Brewer" she was going to say but checked herself. "Surely you will not think of going out now, Thomas?" "Cobbler" Horn knew Mr. and Mrs. Brownlow very well by sight.

In proof of this swings into drawing-room with a mannish stride followed by two short steps, which produces the effect of a restive horse entering. Misses CAPTAIN GADSBY, who is sitting in the shadow of the window-curtain, and gazes round helplessly. 'Must ha' picked up that action from the sire. Mamma told me to say that she will be ready in a few minutes. Won't you have some tea?