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And the battle goes on ill or well, is a trifle; so as it goes. I was made for a contest, and the Powers have so willed that my battlefield shall be this dingy inglorious one of the bed and the physics bottle." Here in the tropics he might hope to live and work years longer a return to a cold climate, he now knew, would be fatal. Why not turn traders?

Somehow he was not surprised, not startled, not afraid yet he knew there was danger. A word, a movement, might unleash the passions that seethed within Dulac.... Dulac stepped one step toward Bonbright, and paused. The movement was catlike, graceful. It had not been willed by Dulac. He had been drawn that step as iron is drawn to magnet. His eyes did not leave Bonbright's.

She willed her will, made up her mind, yielded to Paul's solicitations, and put the whole painful thing away from her. The step taken, the marriage over, nothing could any more affect either fact. Only, unfortunately for the satisfaction and repose she had desired and expected, her love to her husband had gone on growing after they were married.

Raymond met Estelle on his way from the works and together they walked home. Here and there in the cottage doorways sat women braiding. Among them was Sally Groves now grown too old and slow to tend the 'Card' and accident willed that she should make an opening for thoughts that now filled Ironsyde's mind.

The nobles, the soldiers, the courtiers, the people, they came and looked, often with silent tears, as he lay in state, in the light of countless tapers, on his mound of flowers offerings not only from royal terraces for his mother had willed it so but the gifts which his people had brought, lay there together, rare exotics and the flowers of the field and forest, crushed and mangled, perchance, in some toil-worn hand when they came from far.

The first to be formed, nature willed that it should afterwards fashion, nourish, preserve, complete the entire animal, as its work and dwelling- place: and as the prince in a kingdom, in whose hands lie the chief and highest authority, rules over all, the heart is the source and foundation from which all power is derived, on which all power depends in the animal body.

When Messene declared that she wished to submit to the Romans but not to enter the confederacy, and the latter thereupon employed force, Flamininus had not failed to remind the Achaeans that such separate arrangements as to the disposal of a part of the spoil were in themselves unjust, and were, in the relation in which the Achaeans stood to the Romans, more than unseemly; and yet in his very impolitic complaisance towards the Hellenes he had substantially done what the Achaeans willed.

One or two men were eliminated at once, an old circulation man and an old advertising man. In six months, while they were still contemplating additional changes and looking for new men, Colfax senior died, and the Swinton-Scudder-Davis Company, or at least Mr. Colfax's control of it, was willed to Hiram.

He stood up, his vigorous frame starting into a nobler manhood, with the consciousness of right, with a willed assurance, that, the first victory gained, the others should follow. It was late; he must go on; he had not meant to sit idling by the road-side.

Who ever saw any, other than thou, lament for that which he himself hath willed?