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That is what I want to know." "It could 'ovver, your Royal Highness, like a wasp," said Bert. "Viel besser, nicht wahr?" said the Prince to Von Winterfeld, and then went on in German for a time. Presently they came to an end, and the two officers looked at Bert. One rang a bell, and the portfolio was handed to an attendant, who took it away.

They made attempts to christianize the Micmacs of Acadia, the Abnaki of the upper St John, the Algonquin tribes of the lower St Lawrence, and the Nipissings of the upper Ottawa. But the work among these roving bands proved most disheartening, and once more the grey-robed friars turned to the Hurons. The end of August 1623 saw Le Caron, Viel, and Sagard in Huronia.

Now obviously there is a peril for poor human nature in words and thoughts of such exuberant self-satisfaction, until we find ourselves safe in the streets of the Celestial City. "Das wenige verschwindet leicht dem Blicke Der vorwärts sieht, wie viel noch übrig bleibt " says Goethe; "the little that is done seems nothing when we look forward and see how much we have yet to do."

Are not you bound to Hamburg? 'We can change our plans. It seems a pity to have missed them. 'Think twice, captain, there are plenty of pretty girls in Hamburg. But you English will do anything. Well, viel Glück! He moved on, chuckling, to the next boat.

Steele is joined by Señor Noma, and the Baron urges me to come a little further away from the light "ve can see dthe yelly fishes viel besser." I move away unsuspectingly out of the shine of the ship's lanterns, and the Baron, folding his arms on the railing beside me, begins quite low to recite a Spanish sonnet, liquid, musical, impassioned.

October 16th, Friday. We went to Viel Salm in the automobile. The destruction at the villa, which I saw with my own eyes, has not been exaggerated.

But as the Countess had an air of grandeur, understood better than any one else the art of receiving, passed even for having been beloved by one of the sons of Louis Philippe, the neighboring nobility bowed down to her, and her salon held the first place in the county, the only one which preserved the traditions of the viel le galanterie and to which the entreé was difficult.

At the solemn Te Deum, which was sung in the chapel on this occasion, there were present seven fathers and four brothers. Fathers Le Caron and Viel, and Brother Sagard arranged for some Indian guides to conduct them to the Huron country, where they arrived on July 23rd.

"Not satisfied!" exclaimed Grace. "Not after you have been initiated into the noble and magnanimous Circle of the Order of the Faithful!" "Not much!" "You should say, 'Nicht viel, when you want to use that expression," laughed Grace, who did not like American slang, and had already partially cured Paul, who had a slight tendency in that direction. "Well, nicht viel, then.

I have to thank fate, however, that a fine epigram of A.B. Schlegel, which has since been my guiding star, came before my notice as a youth: "Leset fleizig die Alten, die wahren eigentlich Alten Was die Neuen davon sagen bedeutet nicht viel." Oh, how like one commonplace mind is to another! How they are all fashioned in one form!