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The poverty of Devonshire in memorials of the Roman period is shown by the fact that, outside Exeter, there are not a dozen places in the county which have yielded Roman vestigia other than coins. In 926 the Britons were driven from Exeter by Athelstan, who banished them into Cornwall, and fixed the River Tamar as their boundary.

This was a woman of mean condition; and, amongst that class of people, 'tis no very new thing to see some examples of rare virtue: "Extrema per illos Justitia excedens terris vestigia fecit." The other two were noble and rich, where examples of virtue are rarely lodged.

Of such wisdom are proverbs made, and savages and Europeans have many parallel proverbs. Vestigia nulla retrorsum is as well known to Bushmen as to Latinists. Manifestly nothing in this kind proves, or even suggests, that Shakespeare was saturated in Greek tragedy.

Thomson seems to me a gentleman of some choice qualities, though perhaps a trifle bloody-minded. David, is a sore embarrassment. But you are doubtless quite right to adhere to him; indubitably he adhered to you. It comes we may say he was your true companion; nor less paribus curis vestigia figit, for I daresay you would both take an orra thought upon the gallows.

Her thoughts flew off to the new life that she might live then, to the new freedom from embarrassments, from fears and from disgusts, to a new love which it might be hers to gain and to enjoy. People said that it was always impossible to go back vestigia nulla.

If it confined itself to its natural food, the farmer's grain, the tax which it levies on the country would still be such as no free people ought to endure. But it confines itself to nothing. As Waterton says: "After dining on carrion in the filthiest sink, it will often manage to sup on the choicest dainties of the larder, where like Celoeno of old vestigia foeda relinquit."

Vestigia nulla retrorsum; the earth itself does not pursue its course more steadily than mind does when it has once committed itself, and if we could see the movements of the stars in slow time we should probably find that there was much more throb and tremor in detail than we can take note of.

But I am very desirous of adding no more expense to that which this Order will cost you. Almack's was last night very full; Lady Anne and Lady Betty were there with Lady Carlisle. The Duchess of Gordon made her first appearance there, who is very handsome; so the beauty of the former night, Lady Almeria Carpenter, was the less regarded. We will follow, if you please, the veteris vestigia flamme.

Wadman's; for the opposite side of the margin, which I suppose to have been my uncle Toby's, is absolutely clean: This seems an authenticated record of one of these attacks; for there are vestigia of the two punctures partly grown up, but still visible on the opposite corner of the map, which are unquestionably the very holes, through which it has been pricked up in the sentry-box

No account of the Temple would be complete without some mention of its many curious sundials. Each garden possesses a plain pillar-dial. There is one in Temple Lane with the motto, "Pereunt et imputantur," and "Vestigia nulla retrorsum" appears on another in Essex Court.