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For now the chaise creaked upon its springs, and Mrs Varden was inside; and now it creaked again, and more than ever, and the locksmith was inside; and now it bounded once, as if its heart beat lightly, and Dolly was inside; and now it was gone and its place was empty, and he and that dreary Miggs were standing in the street together.

"I believe I do not err in assuming my cup-bearer's name to be Varden, although he himself, in his simple Americo-Africanism, is pleased to pluralize it. Do I fret you, host?" "Not in the least," said Richard, dropping upon a rustic bench, and beginning to fan himself with his straw hat. "What's the use of fretting about a boy who hasn't sense enough to fret about himself?" "`Boy?" Mr.

'How came it there? demanded Varden. 'Steel, steel, steel! he replied fiercely, imitating with his hand the thrust of a sword. 'Is he robbed? said the locksmith. Barnaby caught him by the arm, and nodded 'Yes; then pointed towards the city.

This pronoun was understood in the plural sense, and included both gentlemen, upon both of whom it was rather hard and undeserved, for Gabriel had applied himself to the meal with a very promising appetite, until it was spoilt by Mrs Varden herself, and Joe had as great a liking for the female society of the locksmith's house or for a part of it at all events as man could well entertain.

Here was a glimpse of happiness! It would be difficult to describe what a flat and commonplace affair the helping Mrs Varden out afterwards was, but Joe did it, and did it too with the best grace in the world.

With all her old horror of that man revived, and deepened into a degree of aversion and abhorrence which no language can describe; with a thousand old recollections and regrets, and causes of distress, anxiety, and fear, besetting her on all sides; poor Dolly Varden sweet, blooming, buxom Dolly began to hang her head, and fade, and droop, like a beautiful flower.

Hitherto Varden had lived with his mother; but she had left Sawston at Christmas, and now he would live with Mrs. Orr. "Mr. Jackson, sir, said it would be all right." "Yes, yes," said Rickie; "quite so." He remembered Herbert's dictum: "Masters must present a united front. If they do not the deluge."

Certainly Hugh did, and he remembered D. Varden too; but that he didn't tell him. 'You remember coming down there, before I was out of my time, to ask after a vagabond that had bolted off, and left his disconsolate father a prey to the bitterest emotions, and all the rest of it don't you? said Mr Tappertit. 'Of course I do! cried Hugh. 'And I saw you there. 'Saw me there! said Mr Tappertit.

'Varden, of course, Varden, returned Sir John, tapping his forehead. 'Dear me, how very defective my memory becomes! Varden to be sure Mr Varden the locksmith. You have a charming wife, Mr Varden, and a most beautiful daughter. They are well? Gabriel thanked him, and said they were. 'I rejoice to hear it, said Sir John.

But neither he nor any other person spoke to her, or noticed her, or had any curiosity about her; and so, an alien, she visited and left the village where she had been born, and had lived a merry child, a comely girl, a happy wife where she had known all her enjoyment of life, and had entered on its hardest sorrows. 'And you're not surprised to hear this, Varden? said Mr Haredale. 'Well!