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Whereas Leech's pages teem with winning, graceful, lovable types, and here and there a hateful one to give relief. But, somehow, one liked the man who drew these strange people, even without knowing him; when you knew him you loved him very much so much that no room was left in you for envy of his unattainable mastery in his art.

Now one of these two things must happen. Either the performance of the lady will be so inferior as not to be worth hearing on the comparison, or so good that she will fancy herself the rival, instead of the admirer of the performer, whom she had better pay and praise than fruitlessly emulate." "This anxious struggle to reach the unattainable excellence of the professor," said Mr.

"`I heard my wife and children talking and saw them moving about the room, he continued, `and all the time I knew they were walking and talking in another house thousands of miles away, under the light of different skies, and beyond the series of the seas. I loved them with a devouring love, because they seemed not only distant but unattainable.

She knew the minx that the man was deeply and quietly in love with her, but with the unconscious cruelty of youth she ignored his suffering, and possibly despised him ever so little that he continued to sigh for something which he ought to have known was, for him, unattainable.

She stood in his mind so far above him that if she proved unattainable, he would scarce have suffered. It was such a foregone conclusion. Blakeney's words were the first to stir in his heart a desire for something beyond that quasi-mediaeval worship, something weaker and yet infinitely stronger, something more earthy and yet almost divine.

So high did he lift them, and so unattainable was she, that most men would say he might as well ask the silvery moon, sailing across the firmament, to come down and be his bride! He had held her high, in her maiden loveliness and purity.

Now I have learned to know the perils which threaten those who see the chief good in happiness. It stands too high for mortals, for in the changeful stir of life it remains unattainable, and yet it is too low an aim for their struggles, for there are worthier objects.

"They are handsome for the price. Sawdust bodies, to be sure; but what fine heads? red cheeks, splendid eyes, and hair that will comb out as well as that of some costlier ones, I'll be bound." "Ninety-seven cents!" repeated Katy, with a sigh. It was an unattainable sum, as far as she was concerned. The salesgirl remarked the sigh. "Say, Cash, why don't you buy it?" she urged.

Heaving a little sigh as he dismissed her, for the ten-thousandth time, from his mind, he was turning his back on the Post-Office that precious casket which contained so rich but unattainable a jewel when he remembered that he had a letter in his pocket to post. Turning back, he sprang up the steps. The great mouth was not yet wide open.

'A very poor ideal indeed, it seems to me that you set yourself to make the best of this wretched world. 'I cannot understand what good can come of craving after the unattainable, said Alice, looking earnestly out of her grey sharp eyes.