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The Doctor's blood was not cold. "Vell, now!" drawled the baker, as the corners of his mouth retreated toward the back of his neck, "end't tat teh funn'est ting, ennahow! Vhy, tat iss yoost teh ferra ting fot I comin' to shpeak mit you apowdt udt!" He halted and looked at the Doctor to see how this coincidence struck him; but the Doctor merely moved on.

Richlun," still addressing the Doctor as though he were his book-keeper, "'I yoost layin, on my pett effra nighdt effra nighdt, vi-i-ite ava-a-ake! undt in apowdt a veek I make udt owdt ut layst tot you, Mr. Richlun, I lookt um shtraight in te eye, undt he lookt me shtraight te same, 'tot, Mr. Richlun, you, sayss I, 'not dtose fellehs fot pin py mo sindts more ass fife yearss, put you, Mr.

Rick looked around and oriented himself by the position of the Water Witch, then led the way with Scotty, Steve, and Jimmy swimming along with him while the Navy frogmen stayed closed behind. It was a thrill for Rick to be swimming with the famous UDT frogmen. He looked to the side and saw that Steve was perfectly at home in the water, and he marveled at the adaptability of the JANIG agent.

"I yoost come in fun mine paykery undt comin' into mine howse, fen I see someting" he waved his hand downward again "someting layin' on te floor face pleck ans a nigger's; undt fen I look to see who udt iss, udt is Mississ Reisen! Toctor, I vish you come right off! I couldn't shtayndt udt you toandt come right avay!"

I pought teh pettent tiss mawning fun a yendleman in Garontelet shtreedt, alretty, naympt Kknox." "And what have I to do with all this?" asked the Doctor, consulting his watch, as he had already done twice before. "Vell," said Reisen, spreading his arms abroad, "I yoost taught you like to herr udt." "But what do you want to see me for? What have you kept me all this time to tell me or ask me?"

He sayss, 'Reisen, he sayss, 'you yoost co to Toctor Tsewier." He bent his great body over the farther end of the table and slowly worked out his name, street, and number. "Dtere udt iss, Toctor; I put udt town on teh schlate; ovver, I hope you ugscooce te hayndtwriding." "Very well. That's right. That's all." The German lingered. The Doctor gave a bow of dismission. "That's all, I say.

"We can turn this whole business over to him and then get out of here," Scotty returned. The events of the night before had culminated in two phone calls, one by the hotel manager to the police, the other by Rick to Steve Ames. However, the duty officer at the UDT base had replied that Ames was not available. Rick had then asked for intelligence, and his query had gotten fast results.

Richlun, sayss I, 've goin' to make pettent prate!" "What?" asked the Doctor, frowning with impatience and venturing to interrupt at last. "Pet-tent prate!" The listener frowned heavier and shook his head. "Pettent prate!" "Oh! patent bread; yes. Well?" "Yes," said Reisen, "prate mate mit a mutcheen; mit copponic-essut kass into udt ploat pefore udt is paked.

Old cutlasses, cannon, cannon balls things like that." "It's a deal." The UDT lieutenant chuckled. "I'll try a little souvenir hunting myself. Of course, since it's unofficial, I'll have to ask for volunteers." "Think you'll get many?" Rick asked anxiously. Steve and Jimmy laughed.

Richlun; teh next time I see um I make um aysk you. Vell, now, titn't I tunned udt?" He was happy. "Well, ask him," said the Doctor, and got away. "No fool is an utter fool," pondered the Doctor, as he went. Two friends had been kept long apart by the fear of each, lest he should seem to be setting up claims based on the past. It required a simpleton to bring them together.