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The discourse over, our clerk, who is, if possible, worse than the curate, repeats the form of call termed El Ikamah; then entering the Mihrab or niche, he recites the two-bow Friday litany, with, and in front of, the congregation.

Presently, a man entered and saluting us, prayed a two-bow prayer, after which he turned to us and said, 'O folk, are ye strangers? 'Yes, answered we, 'robbers waylaid us and stripped us, and we came to this town, but know none here with whom we may shelter. Quoth he, 'What say you?

On 31st August, after praying "a two-bow prayer," he bade adieu to Shaykh Hamid, and with Nur and the boy Mohammed, joined the caravan bound for Mecca, the route taken being the celebrated road through the arid Nejd made by Zubaydah, wife of Harun al Rashid.

This ended, all present stand up, and recite every man for himself, a two-bow prayer of Sunnat or Example, concluding with the blessing on the Prophet and the Salam over each shoulder to all brother Believers.

They encamped in the valley, for the day was dear and bright, and there passed the night. On the morrow, Gharib made the Wuzu-ablution and prayed the two-bow dawn-prayer, offering up praise and thanks to Almighty Allah; when, lo and behold! there arose a clamour and confusion in the meadows, and he bade Sahim go see what was to do.

I prayed a two-bow prayer, after which I turned to her and, sighing, said, 'What cost thou want? She asked me how I did, and I told her all that had befallen myself and Ali bin Bakkar and besought her for news of herself.

So they all took turns to go in and pray fervently two-bow prayers as they called them reciting thereafter such scripture as Ali Baba thought suitable and could remember. Hunting about in the ruins I found indubitable human bones. Ayisha, when asked about it, said that Ali Higg had raided the place several months ago and killed or captured every one.

By Allah, I am not fit for the service of God's creatures! Replied I, 'I bought thee that I might serve thee myself; and on my head be it. Asked he, 'Why so? and I answered, 'Wast thou not in company with us yesterday in the place of prayer? Quoth he, 'And didst thou hear me?; and quoth I, 'It was I accosted thee yesterday and spoke with thee. Thereupon he advanced till we came to a mosque, where he entered and prayed a two-bow prayer; after which he said, 'O my God and my Lord and Master, the secret that was between me and Thee Thou hast discovered unto Thy creatures and hast brought me to shame before the worldling.

I prayed a two-bow prayer, after which I turned to her, sighing, and said, 'What dost thou want? She asked me how I did, and I told her all that had befallen myself and Ali ben Bekkar and asked her for news of herself.

This preyed upon his mind and disquieted him, so that he complained thereof to one of his Viziers, saying, 'I fear lest my kingdom be lost, when I die, for that I have no son to take it after me. 'O King, answered the Vizier, 'peradventure God shall yet provide for this; do thou put thy trust in Him and be constant in supplication to Him. So the King rose and making his ablutions, prayed a two-bow prayer with a believing heart; after which he called one of his wives to bed and lay with her forthright.