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So Theydon hardened his heart and went to bed, and, being sound in mind and constitution, slept like a just man wearied. Nevertheless, the last thing he saw before the curtain fell on his tired brain was an ivory skull dancing in the darkness. Greatly as the many problems attached to Mrs.

"Of course, he has a nose to smell joss sticks, and eyes to see an ivory skull, but didn't he say I was talking nonsense when I spoke about Shang Ti scowling from a porcelain vase?" he shrilled. "Yes. For all that, I don't think he missed the least hint of your meaning." Furneaux gazed at Theydon fixedly. "Sorry," he said, with an acid tone that was almost malicious.

When Bates brought in the breakfast Theydon was glancing hurriedly through the morning papers. Some of them contained an allusion to the Eastbourne incident, but no names were mentioned. A reference to "developments" in connection with the "Innesmore Mansions Murder," however, caught his eye.

Forbes broke in with a short laugh. "You would get nothing out of Macdonald," he said. "He knows that my visits to the Chinese Embassy are few and far between and generally have to do with but what is it now? Why should you be so perturbed when I mention the Chinese Embassy?" Theydon was literally astounded, and did not strive to hide his agitation. But he was by no means tongue-tied.

Theydon realized, with a species of irritation, that the girl was discoursing volubly about the offending chair merely in order to extricate an apparently shy and tongue-tied young man from a morass of his own creation.

Paxton and Theydon were admitted without any delay, and Forbes himself hurried downstairs to greet them. He was pale, but quite composed. All the nervous uncertainty of the previous day had vanished. He was armed and willing for the fray.

I can pretty well guess what took place. But, look here. Who's Handyside a mere acquaintance?" Another nod. "You just contrived to pick him up, and used him as an excuse for coming to Eastbourne? I see. That removes a troublesome pawn off the chessboard." "But it doesn't," wheezed Theydon. "He ought to be here. Can't make out what has become of him." "He will turn up an American, isn't he?

"Well, I suppose we can do no more tonight. I have little else to tell you " "The skull the ivory skull!" put in Furneaux. For an instant an expression of annoyance flitted across the chief inspector's good-humored face. Theydon did not see it, because Furneaux's odd-sounding words caused him to look with astonishment at the man who uttered them. "An ivory skull!" he cried.

It is a strange and ignominious feature of modern life. Forgive me, Mr. Theydon, if I speak strongly on this matter. The men who spread the bounds of science today are, nominally, at any rate, Christians. It was not the younger man now who talked brilliantly and forcibly.

Thus cozened, as it were, into eating, Miss Beale tackled the egg, and Theydon was glad to note that she made a fairly good meal, being probably unaware of her hunger until the means of sating it presented itself. But she missed no word of his story, and when he made an end, put some shrewd questions.