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Or else he mote tellen his tale untrue, Or feine things, or find words new: He may not spare, altho he were his brother, He mote as well say o word as another. Christ spake himself full broad in holy writ, And well I wote no villany is it. Eke Plato saith, who so can him rede, The words mote been cousin to the dede.

Archelaus stirred a little in the bed. "I promised never to hurt her by tellen' 'ee," he said. There was a moment of silence, and then he broke into vehement speech. Even his voice had gathered strength; it was as though in the full flood of what was sweeping out of him, after being dammed for so many years, all physical disabilities were washed away.

But first, I pray you of your courtesie, That ye ne arrette it nought my villanie, Though that I plainly speak in this matere To tellen yon her words, and eke her chere: Ne though I speak her wordes properly, For this ye knowen al so well as I, Who-so shall tell a tale after a man, He mote rehearse as nye as ever he can Everich a word, if it be in his charge, All speke he never so rudely and large.

It was the turn for Ezekiel's face to brighten, or rather to break up, like a cold passionless mirror suddenly cracked, into various amusing but distorted reflections on the person before him. "Townies ain't to be fooled by other townies, Mr. Demorest; at least that ain't my idea o' marcy, he-he! But seen you're pressin', I don't mind tellen you MY business.

Say, Mis' Virginia, did did he done mention my name anywhar in that letteh?" The pathos of the dark face was pitiful. "'My best love to Bo Peep." Virginia pointed to the line as she read. "Kin I please have this huh envelope?" Bo Peep pleaded, and, clutching it as a sacred treasure, he said: "Mis' Virginia, didn't I done tellen you Misteh Thaine would come back?" "How did you know?"

My lady Prioresse, by your leve If that I wiste I sholde yow nat greve, I wolde demen that ye tellen sholde A tale next, if so were that ye wolde. Now wol ye vouche-sauf, my lady dere? He talks to no one else like that, save perhaps to the knight. Was she religious?

He told them how glad he was to see them, and that he had not had so merry a company that year. Then he told them that he had thought of something to amuse them on the long way to Canterbury. It was this: "That each of you to shorten of your way In this voyage shall tell tales tway* To Canterbury-ward I mean it so, And homeward ye shall tellen other two; Of adventures which whilom have befallen.

And because that thei gon so nye oure feythe, thei ben lyghtly converted to Cristene lawe, whan men prechen hem and schewe hem distynctly the lawe of Jesu Crist, and tellen hem of the prophecyes.

And no man is so hardy, to speke a word, but zif the emperour speke to him; but zif it be mynstrelles, that syngen songes, and tellen gestes or other desportes, to solace with the emperour. And alle the vesselle, that men ben served with, in the halle or in chambres, ben of precious stones; and specially at grete tables; outher of jaspre or of cristalle or of amatystez or of fyn gold.

In that See of Libye, is no fissche: for thei mowe not lyve ne dure, for the gret hete of the sonne; because that the watre is evermore boyllynge, for the gret hete. And many othere londes there ben, that it were to long to tellen or to nombren: but of sum parties I schal speke more pleynly here aftre.