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On the criminal side it resembles hell's tatterdemalions let loose. To call them thieves and murderers is to flatter them. Their vicious scoundrelism transcends either murder or thieving."

Flannigan, were elevated into an open "bus," and drawn by their enthusiastic admirers through the principal streets of Bayton. They had hoisted a broom in the front of their vehicle as an emblem of their victory. "What does that mane, Mike?" queried one of the army of ragged, blear-eyed tatterdemalions of his mate.

Immediately beneath this in the company of a couple of tatterdemalions worthy of him sat the giant who had mocked his escape from falling, and as Gonzaga took his seat he heard the fellow's voice, guttural, bottle-thickened and contentious. "And this wine, Luciano? Sangue della Madonna! Will you bring it before dropping dead, pig?"

No one could conceive the amount of tearing and patching that is for ever going on; could either a friend or stranger see us in our present garb, our appearance would scarcely be thought even picturesque; for a more patched and ragged set of tatterdemalions it would be difficult to find upon the face of the earth.

"He squeezed my hand and answered, 'What a child it is, indeed!" said Henriette. It was a bright, sunny morning in the early summer when Henriette, gazing out of the dining-room windows across the lawns adjoining the Rockerbilt place, caught sight of a number of ragamuffins at play there. "Who are those little tatterdemalions, Bunny?" she asked, with a suggestion of a frown upon her brow.

There were tellings of a battle fought the day before at Castelnaudary, of the defeat of Monsieur's partisans, of the utter rout of Gonzalo de Cordova's Spanish tatterdemalions, and of the capture of Montmorency, who was sorely wounded some said with twenty and some with thirty wounds and little like to live.

'Twas an evil, squalid, malodorous mob, not of the better class of thieves and tatterdemalions, but of the worst, being made up of cutthroats out of luck, pickpockets, and poor wretches who were the scourings of the town and the refuse of the kennel.

All his insults to humanity became suddenly typified in these five hundred jumping tatterdemalions the way in which he had plundered the world of its youth, its cleanness, its decency. I felt an anger which battlefields had never aroused, where men moulder above ground and become unsightly beneath the open sky.

The tubes are then closed at the orifice with a thick plug of earth; nearly the whole swarm has disappeared; there remain on the spot a score of tatterdemalions in threadbare fleeces, worn out by a month's hard toil. These laggards have not finished their laying.

The man heard me with great patience; but when I looked round the circle of tatterdemalions, for there was ne'er a shirt in the whole company Falstaff's men were a joke to them with their bright arms sparkling to the red glare of the torches, that flared like tongues of flame overhead, while they grinned with their ivory teeth, and glared fiercely with their white eyeballs on us I felt that our lives were not worth an hour's purchase.