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Still, some men are taller than others; though I never saw one as tall as you, and you will certainly be stared at. "Is there anything else in the way of arms you would like, beside the ax and spear?" "I shall make myself a bow and arrows, when we get fairly away," Roger said. "I did not know you could use them."

The ridge of a vast mountain-chain over two hundred miles in length split asunder in a yawning chasm eighteen miles in width and over seven thousand feet deep; one in which a thousand Niagaras would be lost; in which a cliff that, relatively to the scene, does not impress one as especially lofty, yet which exceeds in height the Eiffel Tower in Paris; and another which does not arrest special attention, yet is taller than the Washington Monument.

The baron knew that the comedians had all gone to their rooms already, and besides, it could not be one of them, for the tyrant was much larger and taller, the pedant a great deal stouter, Leander more slender, Matamore much thinner, and Scapin of quite a different make.

First, who is that?" pointing to one of the figures. "That must be Mrs. Hyde, for she is taller than the others," suggested Grandma Fellows. "By the same token, that must be Mrs. Tyrrell, for she is shorter," said Jessie; "though, but for that, I don't see how we could have told them apart." "How oddly they did dress in those days!" said Mary.

Ermine much enjoyed the sight, it was pretty to watch the 'prononce' dresses of the parish children, interspersed with the more graceful forms of the little gentry, and here and there a taller lady.

"Patty, my child, I do believe you're growing up!" said her father. "I do believe I am, papa; I'm almost seventeen, and I'm taller than Aunt Alice now, and a lot taller than Marian." "It isn't only your height, child, you always were a big girl.

Behind them stretched Happy Valley, seeming to run right up to the tree-crowned summit of Ali el Muntar, while on its left were Kurd and Border valleys and the sand dunes, and on its right a tumbled mass of green uplands with sudden red cliffs marking nullahs and wadis. The position of the town itself was shown by the minaret of the mosque and one or two other taller buildings.

I entered within a year a single-storied house a few miles from Plymouth Rock, where an aged descendant of the Pilgrims earns her scanty spending-money by making "bayberry taller," and bought a cake and candles of the wax, made in precisely the method of her ancestors; and I too can add my evidence as to the pure, spicy perfume of this New England incense.

But the Hon. M. Elgin was not one of those men who despair easily, and give up. He was not discouraged by a first failure; and he showed it very soon. The very next day he became a changed man, as if Henrietta's refusal had withered the very roots of his life. In his carriage, his gestures, and his tone of voice, he betrayed the utmost dejection. He looked as if he had grown taller and thinner.

I wish ter hell ye'd get after that tannery; can't hardly breathe here sometimes." "That's what we were looking after; had some complaints lately." "Sure, I been kickin' 'bout it for a month. You fellers have another beer on me." He walked back toward the bar, pausing an instant to whisper a word to the taller man who still stood there staring moodily at the table.