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"My, but those cakes sure were good," he observed, smacking his lips with relish. His companion, with good-natured patience, had watched the boy eat, and, as Bob expressed his approval of Sweeney's food, he said: "Better have another plate. You'll never get any cakes quite as good as Sweeney's till you get back to Randolph."

But it hasn't told me why you couldn't go back along the road you came, why you couldn't leave the road, and why you didn't want to go right up to Sweeney's office with the sack. It hasn't given me any information about where you have been the past two weeks, or how " "My gracious! He bubbles whyfors and howfors like he had just come uncorked," murmured Dave, in his slow drawl.

Gibson issued another statement in which he emphasized that Hatch was one of "Gink" Cummings' men, who completely escaped the notice of Chief Sweeney's "inefficient" detectives. When Brennan had handed to P. Q. the last sheet of his story of Hatch's arrest John told him how the girl had stopped him at the door and asked him to return. "Great!" exclaimed Brennan.

We call it the 'one-stepper's delight." She put a hand on Ella Sweeney's arm, preparatory to guiding her to the showrooms in the rear. But Miss Sweeney's strange reluctance grew into resolve. A blush, as real as it was unaccustomed, arose to her bepowdered cheeks. "Is I that is Mr. Buck is in, I suppose?" "Mr. Buck? Oh, yes, he's in." Miss Sweeney's eyes sought the closed door across the hall.

"Not exactly," I was grateful for the sudden nerve with which I was able to hasten to the relief of her lovely distress "but possibly Miss Calypso recalls as naturally as I do, our momentary meeting in Sweeney's store, one evening. I had no expectation, of course, that we should meet again under such pleasant circumstances as this."

If Sweeney couldn't get them what they wanted, he at least sent them away with a feeling of deep obligation to him. Naturally then when election time came around these people obeyed Sweeney's order. It wasn't reasonable to suppose that a campaign speech or two could affect their loyalty. Of course the rival party followed much the same methods but the man in power had a tremendous advantage.

In the gents' furnishings' corner of Peter Sweeney's dry-goods store Seth Curtis is buying a new hat, a little jaunty hat that seems to fit his head well enough but doesn't somehow become the rest of him. Seth looks best in a cap and always wears one except, of course, on such state occasions as the coming one.

I could think of no way to figure it except that when the ball left him there was scarcely any appreciable interval of time before it cracked in Sweeney's mitt. It was the Rube's drop, which I believed unhittable. Berne let it go by, shaking his head as McClung called it a strike. Another followed, which Berne chopped at vainly.