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In 1821, they were visited by Swartz's pupil, Serfojee, who was staying with the Governor-General, Lord Hastings, on his way to Benares, whither, strange and sad to say, he was on pilgrimage, though all the time showing full intellectual understanding of, and warm external affection for, the Christian faith.

She afterwards was the chief means of building a church at Palamcotta, to which Sattianadem became the catechist; and thus was first sown a seed which has never ceased growing, for this district of Tinnevelly has always been the stronghold of Christianity in India. Meantime Swartz's poor friend, the Rajah Tuljajee at Tanjore, was in a deplorable state.

Nighthawk had evidently explained every thing: the cause of Swartz's imprisonment; his statement in reference to the paper and now that Swartz was dead, the hiding-place of the document seemed forever undiscoverable. If the reader does not understand the terrible significance of this fact, and Mohun's consequent gloom, I promise that he shall comprehend all before very long.

The immediate value of this work was for the poor native wives of the English soldiers, whom he found professing Christianity, but utterly ignorant; and to them every Sunday, after the official English service, he repeated the Liturgy in the vulgar tongue. In this holy work he was the pioneer, since Swartz's service was in Tamul.

"So that you would have me shown up as a coward, sir, and our name dishonoured for the sake of Miss Swartz's money," George interposed. This remark staggered the old gentleman; but as he had to reply to it, and as his mind was nevertheless made up, he said, "You will dine here to-morrow, sir, and every day Miss Swartz comes, you will be here to pay your respects to her.

To be brief, I am anxious to procure a certain document in Swartz's possession." "A certain document?" I said, looking intently at the speaker. "Exactly, colonel." "Which Swartz has?" "Precisely, colonel." "And which he stole from the papers of Colonel Darke on the night of Mohun's combat with Darke, in the house near Carlisle?" Mr. Nighthawk looked keenly at me, in turn.

He also heard the services held in three languages in Swartz's church, and was greatly struck, when the Tamul sermon began, by hearing a universal scratching and grating all round him. This was caused, he found, by the iron pens upon the palmyra leaves upon which most of the native congregation were taking notes, writing nearly as fast as the minister spoke.

It is just possible that there may have been too much of a certain sort of acquiescence in Swartz's mind, missionary as he was. He did not attack the system of caste, with its multitudinous separations and distinctions.

The bedstead was soon taken down and removed to Mr. Swartz's store. "Sharge one huntred tollars for dat pedstead," he remarked to his clerk as soon as it had arrived. While he was rejoicing at the good speculation he had made, the soldier's wife sat on a box in her room feeding her half famished children.

Add to all that the junior Osborne was quite as obstinate as the senior: when he wanted a thing, quite as firm in his resolution to get it; and quite as violent when angered, as his father in his most stern moments. On the first day when his father formally gave him the hint that he was to place his affections at Miss Swartz's feet, George temporised with the old gentleman.