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That imitated here forms the bed of the River Tiber near Rome and was extensively used for ages in the early Roman and Greek era as a building stone for their temples and works of art. While a poor material in cold climates, because of its striation, it was always sought in Italy for its wonderful texture and tone.

But in the coarse longitudinal striation of the bases of its horns it differs from both. The shape of the horns is also peculiar. Curving outward, downward and then sharply upward, with broad, flattened bases meeting in the middle line, their outlines are not unlike those of old bulls of the African buffalo.

Although the direction of the ice-streams in Greenland may coincide in the main with that which separate glaciers would take if there were no more ice than there is now in the Swiss Alps, yet the striation of the surface of the rocks on an ice-clad continent would, on the whole, vary considerably in its minor details from that which would be imprinted on rocks constituting a region of separate glaciers.

When I separated the pebbles of quartz, which were never striated, and those of granite, mica-schist, and diorite, which do not often exhibit glacial markings, and confined my attention to the serpentine alone I found no less than nineteen in twenty of the whole number polished and scratched; whereas in the terminal moraines of some modern glaciers, where the materials have travelled not more than 10 or 15, instead of 100 miles, scarce one in twenty even of the serpentine pebbles exhibit glacial polish and striation.

Even granting that these laminated drifts may have had a different origin, as above suggested, there are still many facts connected with the distribution of erratics and the striation of rocks in Scotland which are not easily accounted for without supposing the country to have sunk, since the era of continental ice, to a greater depth than 525 feet, the highest point to which marine shells have yet been traced.

The first preliminary to his improvements was the production, in 1882, of a faultless screw, those previously in use having been the inevitable source of periodical errors in striation, giving, in their turn, ghost-lines as subjects of spectroscopic study. Their abolition was not one of Rowland's least achievements.

An old-fashioned sword of curious workmanship was discovered among some lumber in the forecastle, and this weapon is said to exhibit a longitudinal striation on the steel, as if it had been recently wiped. It has been placed in the hands of the police, and submitted to Dr. Monaghan, the analyst, for inspection. The result of his examination has not yet been published.

There is something hypnotic in the terminology. Enthusiasm, even backed by fact, will scare off your practical man, who yet will turn to listen to the theory of "the mechanics of erosion" and one of its proofs "up there before our eyes, the striation of the Ramparts." But Rainey was what he called "an old bird."

It is possible, as Mr. Geikie conjectures, that this second striation of the boulders may be referable to floating ice. Section of contorted drift overlying till, seen on left bank of South Esk, near Cortachie, in 1840. Height of section seen, from a to d, about 50 feet. a, b. Gravel and sand. f, g. Contorted drift.

All the parts of the mouth are extremely minute; the palpi and exterior maxillae have almost disappeared; the cirri are thick, inarticulate, and destitute of bristles; and the muscles both of the mouth and cirri are without transverse striation. Darwin found the stomach perfectly empty in the animal examined by him.