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"Woods," he said to the waiter, "chops for two, chipped potatoes, and fill up those steins of mine with ale. That will be all. I brought those steins from across, Jack; you'll go crazy over them, for they are beauties." A college-bred bachelor, nine times out of ten, has a mania for collecting pipes or steins, or both. Dan and I had been affected this way.

Well, so as soon as they seen me, everybody says, 'Oh, here comes Sour-dough good old Sour-dough! and all like that, and they introduced me to the piano guy, who gets up to shake hands with me and spills his beer off the chair arm on to the wife of Eddie Fosdick in the Farmers' and Merchants' National, and so I sat down and et with 'em and had a few steins of beer, and everybody had a good time all around."

At dinner a toast was given to his Majesty. It was made with those steins I showed you, Jack. The Princess said softly to me, kissing the rim of the stein she held: "My toast is not to the King, but to the gentleman!" I had both steins bundled up and left with the host, together with my address. It was not long after that the eventful moment for our flight arrived.

They clattered their steins on the table and sang wonderful Jena songs, while Stephen was lifted up and his soul carried off to far-away Saxony, to the clean little University town with its towers and crooked streets. And when they sang the Trolksmelodie, "Bemooster Bursche zieh' ich aus, Ade!" a big tear rolled down the scar on Richter's cheek.

He hastened out of the kitchen, with the happy glance he never failed to give the living-room its red-papered walls with shiny imitation-oak woodwork; the rows of steins on the plate-rack; the imitation-oak dining-table, with a vase of newly dusted paper roses; the Morris chair, with Nelly's sewing on a tiny wicker table beside it; the large gilt-framed oleograph of "Pike's Peak by Moonlight."

Roots grow from stems, not steins from roots, except in certain cases, like that of the Poplar mentioned above. This was seen in the study of the seedling. The embryo consisted of stem and leaves, and the roots were produced from the stem as the seedling grew. For illustration of this point, the careful watching of the cuttings placed in water will be very instructive.

Grandpa, who had come home very late, did not know what had happened, and he and I breakfasted with the men, and grandma and the Steins came after we left the room. No one offered to help me that morning, still I got through my duties before grandma called me to her. She seemed more hurt than angry, and began by saying: "On account of thy bad conduct, Mrs. Stein is going to shorten her stay.

"Waiter, five more cold steins!" "None for me!" said Andy with a smile. "That's all right he's trying for the team," someone said, in a low tone. "Oh!" Through the haze of the smoke of many pipes Andy saw some of the football crowd. They were all taking "soft stuff," which he himself ordered. Then began an evening of jollity and clean fun.

Music like this has never come from the orchestra pit of the Auditorium. Strange combinations of sounds that seem to come from street pianos, New Year's eve horns, harmonicas and old-fashioned musical beer steins that play when you lift them up. Mr. Prokofieff waves his shirt-sleeved arms and the sounds increase.

It seemed to have been chopped out with an Axe, and was meant to hold up Members of the Rhinoceros Family. On the High Shelf was a Row of double-handled Shaving Mugs, crippled Beer Steins, undersized Coal Scuttles and various Copper Kettles that had seen Better Days. "At last we have a Room that satisfies every Craving of my Soul," said the Wife.