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The lymph that constitutes the "water" of a so-called "water blister" is also salty, and even the little blood one gets into his mouth in trying nature's method of stanching the flow from a cut finger gives the impression that it contains a little salt. Every fluid of the body is salty, and every cell of the body is bathed in salt water.

Stanching the blood as best he could and bandaging the hand with his own kerchief, Stuyvesant bade the corporal sit at an open window a moment, for he looked a trifle faint and sick, it was a brutal bite. But Connelly was game. "That blackguard's got to be taught there's a God in Israel," he exclaimed, as he turned back to the rear of the car.

"Is the boy hurt?" were the last words I heard, for I fainted; but a few minutes after I found myself seated on the grass, while a soldier was stanching the blood that ran freely from a cut in my forehead. "It is a trifle, general a mere scratch," said a young officer to an old man on horseback beside him, "and the leg is not broken."

Blood was flowing from his leg; it smeared the white deck. The officer who had climbed down so speedily from the bridge was directing two other men how to lift him. Close by, the chief officer, Mr. Boyle, was stanching a deep cut on his chin with a handkerchief. At the same time he curtly ordered off such deck hands and stewards as came running forward, attracted by the disturbance.

By my saul, I thought some of them, mair special the Hieland chiels, wad have broken out in our own presence; but we caused them to march hand in hand to the Cross, ourselves leading the way, and there drink a blithe cup of kindness with ilk other, to the stanching of feud, and perpetuation of amity.

Instantly he was on his knees beside her; stanching the cut on her forehead, binding it with his handkerchief; consumed with rage and concern; rage at himself and the dastardly intruder, no monkey, that was certain. His quick ear caught the stealthy rustling again, lower down; and, yes unmistakably a human sound, like a stifled exclamation of dismay.

Detricand was stanching the blood at his temple with the scarf from his neck. "Get him some cordial, Guida he's wounded!" said de Mauprat. Detricand waved a hand almost impatiently, and dropped upon the veille, swinging a leg backwards and forwards. "It's nothing, I protest nothing whatever, and I'll have no cordial, not a drop. A drink of water a mouthful of that, if I must drink."

In the camp or the city, in the field or the hospital, under sheltering roof, or half-protecting canvas, or open sky, shedding our own blood or stanching that of our wounded defenders, students or teachers, whatever our calling and our ability, we belong, not to ourselves, but to our imperilled country, whose danger is our calamity, whose ruin would be our enslavement, whose rescue shall be our earthly salvation!

They had their knives out, but I managed to disarm the one who attacked me, and my horse upset a second, while the Indian, who had no weapon but a stave, cracked the head of the last. I got nothing worse than a black eye, but the man I had rescued bled from some ugly cuts which I had much ado stanching. He shook hands with me gravely when I had done, and vanished into the thicket.

Pompey, the Krouman, perceiving his condition, went to his assistance and bound up his wound, and the stanching of the blood soon revived the pirate-captain. The other pirates died unaided.