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On the way Janice thought it best to say nothing more about the lost treasure-box; but she told Olga of how she had tried to trace her through the Johnsons. "My bad look!" cried Olga. "I break a dish by that Latham woman's house and she vant me to pay for it. Huh! People ought not to use such spensive dishes. Me, I use common chinnyware in my house."

Ain't none nem ge'lmun goin' try an' give her no mo' animals, I bet! So how anybody goin' guess who sen' her thishere Gammire? Nobody lef' whut ain't awready sen' her one an' had the gift spile." "Yes, there is," said Florence. "Who?" "Noble Dill." "That there li'l young Mista Dills?" Kitty Silver cried. "Listen me! Thishere dog 'spensive dog." "I don't care; I bet Noble Dill gave him to her."

"Nothing but dolls and dolls and more dolls," as a procession of things dear to the feminine heart passed by; "and doll bathtubs and dishes and other sissy things." He bent forward suddenly. "That's better. A 'lectric railroad. Let's take your pencil." He marked an irregular cross beside the illustration. "And here come the sleds. Lots of them aren't so very 'spensive. And banks," he smiled.

I am aware that my consonances do not tympanise on your brain. Good afternoon!" "Petrol Stored Here!" said Bainton, standing squat before the announcement, as he returned from his day's work "Hor-hor-hor! Hor- hor! I say, Mr. Netlips, don't blow us all into the middle of next week. Where does ye store it? Out in the coal-shed? It's awful 'spensive, ain't it?" "It is costly," admitted Mr.

I doan blebe in deze yere 'spensive funuls nohow. Huh, an' you oughter hab ernuff by dis time ter bury bof o' us. An' ef you says de word I'll be buried side o' you ter keep you comp'ny." She ceased her work and looked at him. "I won't need no comp'ny. I'll be busy tellin' de Lawd 'bout de folks down yere. An, I gwine tell him, w'in I goes home."

"Needle an' thread ain't 'spensive nowhar ez I knows on, an' the gov'mint hev sot no tax on saaft home-made soap, so far ez hearn from." She briskly placed her chair, a rude rocker, the seat formed of a taut-stretched piece of ox-hide, beside the fire, and took up her knitting. A sock for Leander it was one of many of all sizes.

I spilled oil on the carpet, and broke a looking-glass; but it was all accidental entirely accidental they found I was too ''spensive, and so they sent me home." "Oh, I wouldn't do anything like that I wouldn't destroy anything but I've made up my mind that I won't stay there at any rate.