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"There goes the old hooker to Davy Jones' locker, sparklin' like a di'mond God bless her! Good-bye, old lass good-bye!" shouted the men; and then, as she vanished from their sight, they gave three hearty cheers to her memory.

"It were jest dis way," began Washington earnestly, and with occasional glances over his shoulder, "I were walkin' along, sort ob lookin' fer dem sparklin' diamonds, an' I didn't see none, when all on a suddint I looked down in a hole, and dere I seen HIM!" and he brought out the word with a jerk. "Saw what who?" asked Mr. Roumann. "De ghost de dead man.

And snuggled down under the fur robe beside him, with her cheeks pinked up by the crisp air and her brown eyes sparklin', is Miss Lucy Snell. "Huh!" thinks I. "Still goin' on, eh? Or has Billy's little beak had another leaky spell?" Couldn't have been many days after that before I comes home to find Vee all excited over some news she'd heard from Mrs. Robert Ellins.

"Oh, now, don't you say that!" exclaimed this persuasive man; "you do want suthin' lots o' things I kin see it in them air sparklin' eyes o' your'n. What makes you wear green glasses. See here, I've blue, and white, and fancy colors, with silver straddles for the nose. Do look at 'em there's a love!" Mrs. Oleander laughed, and Mrs.

"Good!" says I. "I'd like a word with her, anyway." Having just finished her canter in the park, Vee is still in her riding togs; and, take it from me, that's some snappy costume of hers. Maybe she ain't easy to look at, too, as she floats in with the pink in her cheeks and her eyes sparklin'. Wish I could fit into a frock-coat like that, or wear such shiny little boots.

The water they drinked we could see wuz a bubblin' up and a runnin' over all the time, in big round crystal globes. And up, up on a slender pole way up over one of the wells hung another one of them crystal bowls, a bubblin' over with the water and sparklin'. And ag'in Josiah asked me if I thought Beuler land could compare with it?

And the Injuns that used to howl round it, have all follered on the trail of that calash, and gone on, on, out of sight. Their canoes have drifted away down the blue Hudson, away off into the mist and the shadows. Curius, haint it? And there the same hills and valleys lay, calm and placid, there is the same blue sparklin' Hudson. Dretful curius, and sort a heart breakin' to think on't haint it?

Refreshments are served down there clost to the sparklin' liquid side of the room, and Josiah wantin' to go the hull figure, set down and eat a nut-cake which I gin him. They say stimulants can be obtained down here.

"As for you," said the enraged female to the landlord, "you're a degraded bein, too low and wulgar to talk to." "This is the sparklin fount for me, dear sister!" cried the lan'lord, drawin and drinkin a mug of beer. Having uttered which goak, he gave a low rumblin larf, and relapsed into silence. "My colored fren," I said to the negro, kindly, "what is it all about?"

But off some little distance, good-lookin' houses stood with Seclusion and Solitude guardin' their front doors likely guards them be, and beloved by Samantha. And back of the Island, glancin' through the trees, wuz the same clear blue sparklin' waters of the St. Lawrence. They said they wuz Canada waters, but I didn't see no difference, the water wuz jest as blue and sparklin' and clear.