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In the silk districts of Europe, agricultural machinery is very much less employed than with us, and in general every woman who can possibly be spared from other work is a field laborer and valuable as such. So that time taken for raising silk must be deducted from her other productive work and charged to the cost of the silk crop.

I shall always wonder whether or no I would have spared him had the water-demon's daughter not intervened in his behalf. Yes, I have had some previous dealings with her. Perhaps the less said concerning them, the better." Demetrios reflected for a while, rather sadly; then his swart face cleared. "Give thanks, my wife, that I have found an enemy who is not unworthy of me.

"A man in his prime," said Peter Reid. "That's pretty old, isn't it?" said Jean "about sixty, I think. Of course," hastily, "sixty isn't really old. When I'm sixty if I'm spared I expect I shall feel myself good for another twenty years." "I thought I was," said Peter Reid, "until I broke down." "Oh, but a rest at Priorsford will put you all right." Could he afford a holiday? she wondered.

So it was settled that Minerva, who had taken no part in the fatal celebration, should be spared, with her innocent babes. "And in a few years more," said Romeo, hopefully, "we'll have lots more dogs, though probably not as many as we've got now."

It struck ten. She rose, offered her hand to Daniel, and said, "I will see you to-morrow evening. By that time I shall know, and I will tell you, the name of the woman whom father is going to marry; for I shall ask him who she is." She was spared that trouble. Next morning, the first words of the count were, "Well, have you thought it over?"

Then she burst into tears and the old excuse fell almost unconsciously from her lips, "I meant to, I really meant to." Sympathetically, but without being spared, the girl was shown that the promises could not be kept now; the time had passed and the things had been done by others.

Then his heart beat till he could hear nothing else; then he could undoubtedly hear nothing at all; then he certainly heard something which probably was rats. And so he lay in a cold sweat, and pulled the rug over his face, and made up his mind to give the money to the parson, for the poor, if he was spared till daylight.

Sooner or later we shall have to provide for some method by which there will be promotions for merit as well as for seniority, or else retirement all those who after a certain age have not advanced beyond a certain grade; while no effort must be spared to make the service attractive to the enlisted men in order that they may be kept as long as possible in it.

"Ah, cunning prelate, thou knowest how my proud mother hates the Woodvilles; thou knowest how her judgment will decide." "Perhaps so; but at least your Grace will be spared all pain and all abasement." "Will Warwick consent to this?" "I trust so." "Learn, and report to me. Enough for to-night's conference." Edward was left alone, and his mind ran rapidly over the field of action open to him.

And all emotions have their value in a stagnant little town. Mrs. Olsen was a woman of courage; yet her heart beat as she set forth to call upon Mrs. Möller. It is no light matter to ask a mother to let her daughter be married from your house. But she might have spared herself all anxiety. For Mrs. Möller shrank from every sort of exertion almost as much as she shrank from sin in all its forms.