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Someday we'll reach true simultaneity enter warp, and come out just where we want to be, at the same time. Just a split-second interval. That will be real transmission." Ringg scoffed, "And suppose you get even better and come out of warp before you go into it? What then, Honorable Bald One?" Rugel chuckled, and did not answer. Bart turned away. It was not easy to keep on hating the Lhari.

We all take air into our lungs clean air or polluted air. We all drink water pure water or polluted water. We all face sickness someday, and some more often than we wish, and old age as well. We all have a stake in this Great Society in its economic growth, in reduction of civil strife a great stake in good government.

Do you know of any other business that would pay as much for the amount invested, eh, Phil?" "I do not, sir." "You see, it is a pretty good business to be in after all, provided it is run on business principles, at the same time treating one's employees like human beings." "Yes, sir." "How would you like to have an interest in a show?" "I am going to, someday.

"Yes, till I settle down for good," he laughed. "I suppose it will have to be someday." "Then you don't think of passing much time in London, Mallett?" "No, indeed. Fortunately my father sold his town house three years ago. He did not care about going up, and of course it was of no use to me. I have never had any opportunities for society, and my present idea is that it would bore me horribly.

Unexpectedly he expires on the operating table and his body is frozen in hopes that someday he can be revived. One hundred and fifty years later he is revived. The priceless scene I always think of takes place in his hospital room immediately after he comes to consciousness. The doctor in charge of his case is explaining to Woody what has happened.

Anyhow, art becomes less and less particular every day. The only thing that never gains or loses is this London Times. Someday I'm going to match the Congressional Record and the Times for the heavyweight championship of the world, with seven to one on the Record, to weigh in at the ringside." "You've been up north, Arthur," said Fitzgerald. "What's your advice?" "Don't do it.

Then d'Artagnan, as the reader, from whom we have not concealed the state of his fortune, very well knows d'Artagnan was not a millionaire; he hoped to become one someday, but the time which in his own mind he fixed upon for this happy change was still far distant.

The enemies of God had come and burned it to the ground, but the Jews built it up again. They were sure that it could never be destroyed. It would always be there, for ever and ever. Someday the Messiah would come, and all the peoples and nations of the world would come to see Jerusalem, as these poor folk from Galilee were doing now.

It was well I should do this, for it came upon me that Unga must know these things, and that someday, when the time was met we you understand, when the time was met. 'So I drifted, like those little fish which raise a sail to the wind but cannot steer. But my eyes and my ears were open always, and I went among men who traveled much, for I knew they had but to see those I sought to remember.

There was something that he had to do now the thing he had planned to do all along. Back in the days when he was all alone in the wilderness, after John baptized him in the Jordan, he knew that this was what he would have to do someday. Now the time had come. He must go back to the Temple, where he had stood and watched the Passover lambs being killed when he was a boy of twelve.