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Someday scientists will discover how man can live directly on solar energy. "Chlorophyll is the only substance known in nature that somehow possesses the power to act as a 'sunlight trap," William L. Laurence writes in the NEW YORK TIMES. "It 'catches' the energy of sunlight and stores it in the plant. Without this no life could exist.

The Emperor's mild and handsome face was flushed and his eyes gleamed with resolution and anger. "Colonel Michaud, do not forget what I say to you here, perhaps we may recall it with pleasure someday... Napoleon or I," said the Emperor, touching his breast. "We can no longer both reign together. I have learned to know him, and he will not deceive me any more...."

I seen him on the trail, cut to the left and took the short way. He ought to be loping in almost any minute." Terry saw the others looking straight at Pollard; the leader was thoughtful for a moment. "Is he coming with a gang, Sandy?" "Nope alone." "He was always a nervy cuss. Someday " He left the sentence unfinished. Denver had risen noiselessly.

There followed a tense, breathless silence. And then "You've brought it on yourself," he said. "I love you. You are going to marry me someday. That's what I think of you!" She got to her feet, her cheeks flaming, confused, half-frightened, though a fierce exultation surged within her.

"I hope that someday my lamp will fall into the hands of a wise man." And so the man was given power over everything on earth, over every government, every event, every activity of every soul. As a result, his name was soon pronounced with hatred and contempt by everyone, and in a few months he was assassinated by his most trusted followers. Several One Way Conversations

How Claiborne and Russell will delight over us and in telling how the militia fired on the strikers and how Troop A fought nobly. Never mind our turn will come someday and we may see something yet. We have had the deuce of a time since we left Tegucigalpa.

Like you, I'm a man neglected and unknown, living in the faint hope that someday I can pass on to future generations the fruits of my labors figuratively speaking, by means of some contrivance left to the luck of winds and waves.

Ah, I have suffered, suffered, suffered, here in Paris, but never mind the time is coming when I shall have a dark and bloody revenge. Someday a Parisian barber will come to my room to skin me, and from that day forth that barber will never be heard of more. At eleven o'clock we alighted upon a sign which manifestly referred to billiards. Joy!

There was an obscure movement somewhere on this part of the Platform. A tiny figure came out of a crevice that would someday be an air lock. Joe didn't move his eyes toward it. He said awkwardly: "Just tell him Joe Kenmore's in town and needs him. He'll remember me, I think. I'll hunt him up tonight." "Okay," said Haney.

Help!" shrieked Sammy, spreading his wings and flying away just in time. Paddy sat down and laughed until his sides ached. "Come make me another call someday, Sammy!" he said. "And when you do, please bring some real news. I know all about Old Man Coyote. You can tell him for me that when he is planning to catch people he should be careful not to leave footprints to give himself away."