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He did not really mind the world's treatment of himself, but for this treatment of her ah, someday the world should pay for that! Someday it should do penance for its mockery and its blindness, that had been a blasphemy against the holy spirit itself! At such times as this he would put his arms about her, and try to whisper something of the pity and grief that filled his heart.

The time is coming when you will go hungry. Woe to you who are enjoying yourselves all the time! Someday you will weep. Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you! It is easy to be popular if you aren't faithful to God. That's the way it has always been." Jesus knew that all of them were too much interested in the things that money could buy.

"They will be all the more ready to do so themselves when they have the chance. They shall have such as I can give them. Leave them to me, for they fought and stood by you well." "Asbiorn," I said then, "maybe I shall be able to thank you for this someday." "Mayhap," he answered lightly. "Now, no more words; but take your chance as it comes.

A rose jest growrn' inter er bush." "To be sure you are. Except that roses have thorns." "I hev thorns, too," she said with conviction, and Donald doubted it then. "I should plumb love ter take keer of babies an' make 'em well an' strong like yo' do," she went on pensively. "Perhaps you may, someday. You'll have babies of your own."

It was, indeed, a poem, entitled "Farewell." "I thought he might have been polite enough to say good bye," said Dorothy. "Perhaps it was easier to write it." "Read it," cried Elaine, her eyes dancing. "Please do!" So Dick read as follows: All happy times must reach an end Sometime, someday, somewhere, A great soul seldom has a friend Anyway or anywhere.

"A little Fox must use his eyes Or get someday a sad surprise. "A little Fox must use his ears And know what makes each sound he hears. "A little Fox must use his nose And try the wind where'er he goes. "A little Fox must use all three To live to grow as old as me. "Now tell me all about it, Reddy Fox. This is summer and men don't hunt foxes now.

'They may help to make your bivouac more comfortable. "'And now, she said, 'there is something else, but I do not wish you to tell your master. "What am I to do, your honour?" "You had better keep it to yourself, Karl," Fergus laughed. "I daresay I shall hear of it, someday." "Very well, lieutenant, then that is all there is to report." The next morning Fergus started early.

"The poet is intimate with truth, while the scientist approaches awkwardly. Come someday to my laboratory and see the unequivocable testimony of the crescograph." Gratefully I accepted the invitation, and took my departure. I heard later that the botanist had left Presidency College, and was planning a research center in Calcutta.

"She was alliz a skittish thing, Kernel," said one sympathizer, with a fine affectation of gloomy concern and great readiness of illustration; "and it's kinder nat'ril thet she'd get away someday, and stampede that theer colt: but thet she should shake YOU, Kernel, diet she should jist shake you is what gits me.

"I wasn't thinking about anything like that," he said honestly. "It was simply that I couldn't let them die. After all " he was speaking more to himself than to the girl "it's their star-drive. They found it. And they've given us star-trade, and star-travel, cheaply and with profit to both sides. I hope we'll get the star-drive someday.