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"Oh, do get some one to guard the car, and come," I begged him. "You've seen it all before?" "Yes." "You look as if the place had sentimental memories for you." He smiled. "There is a sentiment attaching to it. Someday I may tell you " he stopped again. "No, I don't think I'll do that." Suddenly the thought of the garden was spoiled for me.

Someday I may have money enough saved to buy a fine pair. You shall have these." Gretel's eyes sparkled, but in another instant she insisted, rather faintly, "The young lady gave the money to YOU, Hans. I'd be real bad to take it." Hans shook his head resolutely as he trudged on, causing his sister to half skip and half walk in her effort to keep beside him.

He knew that Tessie Golden, like a naughty schoolgirl when teacher's back is turned, had directed one of her sure shafts at him. Ballou, his face darkling, could easily have punished her. Tessie knew it. But he never did, or would. She knew that, too. Her very insolence and audacity saved her. "Someday," Ballou would warn her, "you'll get too gay, and then you'll find yourself looking for a job."

We achieved dominance of Earth by our moral responsibility to family, tribe, and nation and we nearly exterminated ourselves when we forgot that this responsibility went beyond nations and embraced all mankind. We learned that after the Exodus. As for the other races perhaps someday we will learn moral responsibility for all intelligence but we are not ready for that yet.

"And I go walks with Jim, grampa, and Jim has made me a boat, and he says someday, when it is very fine and quiet, he will take me out in a big boat, like that boat, you know; and he is going to ask you if he may, for the lady said I must not go out with him till he has asked you. And he said he won't let me tumble over, and I am going to sit quite, quite still."

Maybe someday we can learn another trick how to live with them." He returned abruptly to the present. "You did contact the transport?" Shann explained what had happened in the com dome. "I think when the ship broke contact that way they understood." "We'll take it that they did, and be on the move." Thorvald helped Shann to his feet.

You will not be alone, for although you do not see me, I shall be with you always." Then Jesus said to them: "Wait a little while. Wait in Jerusalem, and someday soon you will know that the time has come to go out and preach. God will give you the power to make other people believe in me as their Saviour.

"I have spoken to Doctor Harrison about it," she went on, her voice scarcely audible. "He told me that you probably loved more than you dared to show, because someday the real Everard might come back." "That is quite true," he reminded her softly. "He may come back at any moment." She gripped his hand, her voice shook with passion. She leaned towards him, her other arm stole around his neck.

The three of them went home to Nazareth. Jesus knew that someday he would go back to the Temple. But he was not ready for that yet. He must do his duty to his parents. He must obey God at home. Then he would always know how to obey God in the wide world beyond Nazareth. The lambs went quietly to the Temple when they were taken there to be offered to the God of Israel.

I shall have to make you a real engine someday;" but "some day" had not yet come, though the Skipper did not forget to ask Tom about it every time he came back from a voyage, Tom Jeffs being his name, though the Skipper always called him "Jack Robinson," because he said he seemed so much like the sailor in a song he used to sing. It was not far through the fir-trees.