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There was about it, however, a vague gray aloofness which chimed with his spirit, a sober austerity as of a stricken whale, a mother-whale surely, for was not her young one there at her nose, fled here to heal her wound perchance, and desirous only of solitude.

When he was sober he was polite to her, on occasions even tender; he seemed to show for short hours a trace of that old quality of understanding too well to blame that quality which was the best of him and had worked swiftly and ceaselessly toward his ruin. But he hated to be sober.

So to dinner, and very merry we were; but in such a sober way as never almost any thing was in so great families: but it was much better. After dinner company divided, some to cards, others to talk. My Lady Sandwich and I up to settle accounts, and pay her some money. And mighty kind she is to me, and would fain have had me gone down for company with her to Hinchingbroke; but for my life I cannot.

People tell me there is one up here, and I'm after him; for he kills the sheep, and might hurt some of the young folks round here," said the man, loading his gun with a very sober air; for he wanted to get rid of the boys and send them home. Billy looked alarmed; but Tommy's brown face beamed with joy as he said eagerly, "I hope you'll get him.

For her beauty, we have the testimony of sober Madame de Motteville, who also speaks of her as havingbeaucoup de lumière et de sincérité;” and in the following passage very graphically indicates one phase of Madame de Sablé’s character: “The Marquise de Sablé was one of those whose beauty made the most noise when the Queen came into France.

Then Walker shook his head more than once and looked very sober, and said "Indiano" and reaching for his bow and arrows, he drew the bow back to its utmost length and put the arrow close to my breast, showing how I would get shot.

This is one of those women who always make you feel gratified and contented with yourself and all the world, after you have shaken hands with or spoken to her. "Magnetic," some people call it. She is every one's sister, and you feel an instinctive affection for her, of that sober and yet warm kind which may be termed loyalty.

One set of members advocated the admission of ladies on the ground, among other reasons, that their presence in the House of Commons would tend to keep the legislators sober, and prevent them from garnishing their speeches with unseemly expressions.

Get sober, level-headed fellows who know how to fight -men of good judgment and nerve. Pay 'em what's right. You know the state of wages around here. While you're at Dugout, Jim, pick out a two-mule team and a good, dependable wagon for carting supplies. Put all the chuck aboard that you think we'll need for the next two or three weeks.

And good John Livingstone, in his wise and sober Characteristics, says that, being sent as a Commissioner from the Church of Scotland to the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, Gillespie, 'promoted much the work of reformation, and attained to a gift of clear, strong, pressing, and calm debating above any man of his time.