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The intestines, cleaned with the fingers, made food when roasted on the fire, and pieces of hide, singed and roasted, helped to sustain life. The water was nearly all gone. Only power of will and strength of body had kept any. Capt.

Presently a cyclone of suffocating smoke enveloped him, and he lost his guide. But straight ahead he darted, stretched out at top speed, belly to the ground, and in another moment he emerged into the clear air. His eyes smarting savagely, his nose and lips scorched, his wet fur singed, he hardly realized at first his escape, but raced straight on across the fields for several hundred yards.

The heavy wrappings came loose in his grasp, and as they did so an unmistakable smell pervaded the room the smell of singed and burning clothing. A cloud of blackened rags fluttered to the ground as the last fold of the curtain was unloosed, and among them most pitiful sight of all were stray gleams of gold where a severed lock of hair lay on the carpet, its end still turned in glistening curl.

There aren't any butterflies in the Bowery, are there?" "No no butterflies." She paused a moment. "Only moths with singed wings." She examined him furtively, but he was frankly puzzled. "Moths ! I don't think I understand." "Yes moths I I spend a good deal of my time at the Blank Street Mission." "And what is that?" She gazed for a moment at him wide-eyed.

Slim Jim was a very long-legged thin Blackbear; Snuffy was a Blackbear that looked as though he had been singed; Fatty was a very fat, lazy Bear that always lay down to eat; the Twins were two half-grown, ragged specimens that always came and went together. But Grumpy and Little Johnny were the best known of them all.

When they all sat down beside the river, Dalonágan said, "What shall we use for the alawig, for your father and mother?" "The singed pig, for it is the custom of the people in Kadalayapan," said Kanag to his mother-in-law. "Go and get some of the pigs and singe them," said Dalonágan to him.

Many streets consisted of nothing but avenues between heaps of roaring ruins; the sound of the fire being nothing less than that of hundreds of furnaces, mixed up with splittings, rattlings, and thunderous falls; and the flame blowing frightfully one way, with a wind like a tempest. The pavement was hot under one's feet; and if you did not proceed with caution, the fire singed your hair.

An officer receives his country's thanks when he has been in great peril, and has borne himself gallantly through his danger; when he has endured the brunt of war, and come through it with victory; when he has exposed himself on behalf of his country and singed his epaulets with an enemy's fire.

It is not necessary that I should draw the difficult line between honorable and dishonorable speculation. God has drawn it through every man's conscience. The broker guilty of "cornering" as well knows that he is sinning against God and man, as though the flame of Mount Sinai singed his eyebrows.

I appeared to be of no importance or interest, in spite of my name, my dowry, and my eyes. You see, I had singed myself. I had so ridiculously advertised my passion for you that I no longer belonged to myself; I was considered as belonging to you.