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If we should have more snow, nobody'll have to do any shovellin', for the women-folks'll keep all the paths in the village trod down from door to door, travellin' round with the news."

Prosperity grabs ivry man be th' neck, an' sets him shovellin' slag or coke or runnin' up an' down a ladder with a hod iv mortar. It won't let th' wurruld rest. If Humanity 'd been victoryous, no wan 'd iver have to do a lick again to th' end iv his days. But Prosperity's a horse iv another color. It goes round like a polisman givin' th' hot fut to happy people that are snoozin' in th' sun.

'We ought to come together, he says, 'an' show the people iv this ward, he says, 'how sthrong we are, he says. 'Ye might do it betther, me buck, says I, 'shovellin' slag at th' mills, I says. 'But annyhow, if ye'er mind's set on it, go ahead, I says, 'an' I'll attind to havin' th' polis there, I says, 'f'r I have a dhrag at th' station.

Th' other lads that dies because they cudden't r-run away, not because they wudden't, they dies on their backs, an' calls f'r th' docthor or th' priest. It depinds where they're shot. "But, annyhow, no wan iv thim lads come back to holler because he was in th' war or to war again th' men that shot him. They wint to wurruk, carryin' th' hod 'r shovellin' cindhers at th' rollin' mills.

The Hawns and Honeycutts sent word that they had buried the feud for a while and would fight like brothers for their rights, and from more than one mountain county came the homely threat that if those rights were denied, there would somewhere be "a mighty shovellin' of dirt." And so to the last minute the fight went on.

The wind was blowin' something awful and the snow just piled up on my hat like somebody was shovellin' it off a roof, but I kept strugglin' on and tryin' to git to the other side, or maybe find some sheltered place, until it was like walkin' in your sleep. And that light fluffy snow jest closed in over me until I was covered up ten feet deep.

'He's a Boohemian, he says. 'An' whin they come to ilictin' Boohemians f'r mayor, he says, 'I'll go back to me ol' thrade iv shovellin' mud, he says. 'Besides, says he, 'if this here Winter wint in, he says, 'ye cudden't stand acrost La Salle Street an' hand him a peach on a window pole, he'd be that stuck up, he says.

Howiver, we took him up, an' invited Glutton to a feast next day. He was a great thin savage, over six futt high, with plenty breadth of beam about the shoulders, and a mouth that seemed made a' purpus for shovellin' wittles into. We laid in lots of grub because we was all more or less given to feedin' an' some of us not bad hands at it.

I got thinkin' of Pa's one day; an' I went to a pasty shop an' I says, 'Have you got crullers? The gal behind the counter says, 'Yes: how many? I, recallin' Pa's, an' feelin' weak in the pit of my stomach frum hunger, I answered back, 'Three dozen! The gal leaped back a step; then she hauled out a bag 'bout the size of a bushel an' begins shovellin' in round, humpy things, most all hole in the centre but considerable sizable as t' girth.

So the colonel went downstairs, and the owld fellow worked away as busy as a nailer, shovellin' in the guineas by hundherds and thousands. Well, he worked away for an hour and more, and at last he began to get tired; and he thought it mighty odd that the room wasn't fillin' fasther.