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Followed a vivid flash, then complete darkness: with a well-aimed kick an elementary movement of la savate Lanyard had dislocated the switch of the electric lights, knocking its porcelain box from the wall, breaking the connection, and creating a short-circuit which extinguished every light in that part of the house.

Thorn slid the rod of metal across the stretch of flooring he had previously been unable to cross. The induced currents in the rod amounted to a short-circuit of the field. The rod grew hot and its paint blistered smokily. Thorn leaped across with Sylva in his wake. He pointed to the door, and she fled through it.

I told you I dared not leave myself isolated and speechless by clearing the simple short-circuit immobilizing Timmy. Now you see why I dared not go even farther and release untrained and with no hope of adequate training the true Homo superior, the transcendent man." "That's like turning a tiger loose in a kindergarten! Give a man a really high-powered intellect and for all his shortcomings "

After a snore, a glass of beer from the handsome waiter, and a temporary blindness caused by the diamonds of a transmontane blonde in Box E, the bookmaker woke up long enough to engage Del Delano for a three-weeks' trial engagement fused with a trained-dog short-circuit covering the three Washingtons Heights, Statue, and Square.

The urgent problems of activity are thus more concrete. They all are problems of the true relation of longer-span to shorter-span activities. And, if so, do the wide activities accompany the narrow ones inertly, or do they exert control? Or do they perhaps utterly supplant and replace them and short-circuit their effects?

So near was she that he could almost hear the velvet heart-throb of her, the little fluttering swallow, yet by some strange, persistent aloofness of her, some determinate virginity, not a fold of her gown, not an edge, not a thread, seemed to even so much as graze his knee, seemed to even so much as shadow his hand, lest it short-circuit thereby the seething currents of their variant emotions.

There was a special switch to cut it in, instead of the standard overdrive. It should have been cut out when the standard overdrive was used. But somebody in the engine-room had simply thrown the main-drive switch when preparations for overdrive travel began. When the ship should have gone into overdrive, it didn't. The two parallel circuits amounted to an effective short-circuit.

Again, when a mental activity-process and a brain-cell series of activities both terminate in the same muscular movement, does the mental process steer the neural processes or not? Or, on the other hand, does it independently short-circuit their effects? Such are the questions that we must begin with.

Tonight we hunted Throgs as a united team most successfully." "But they wouldn't go after the one in the skull." "No. Direct contact with a Throg mind appears to short-circuit them. I did the contacting; they fed me what I needed. We have the answer to the Throgs now one answer." Thorvald looked back over the field where those bodies lay so still. "We can kill Throgs.

His idea, of course, was to put this wire across the ends of the supplying circuits, and short-circuit the whole thing put it all out of business without being detected. Then he could report how easily the electric light went out, and a false impression would be conveyed to the public.