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We live forward, we understand backward, said a danish writer; and to understand life by concepts is to arrest its movement, cutting it up into bits as if with scissors, and immobilizing these in our logical herbarium where, comparing them as dried specimens, we can ascertain which of them statically includes or excludes which other.

Because of the more comfortable immobilizing appliance, the subject is less restive, and chances for a successful outcome are materially increased thereby. In the mature subject, six or eight weeks' time is required for union of the parts to occur sufficiently so that splints may be dispensed with.

In such cases, by immobilizing the affected parts as in fracture, and confining the subject in a sling for about sixty days, partial recovery may occur in some instances. Experience has shown that where luxation with detachment of a collateral ligament occurs, recovery is slow and incomplete there always results considerable exostosis at the site of injury. Sesamoiditis. Etiology and Occurrence.

I told you I dared not leave myself isolated and speechless by clearing the simple short-circuit immobilizing Timmy. Now you see why I dared not go even farther and release untrained and with no hope of adequate training the true Homo superior, the transcendent man." "That's like turning a tiger loose in a kindergarten! Give a man a really high-powered intellect and for all his shortcomings "

Since the animal does not walk upon the broken leg, it is possible to employ splints of suitable materials which are retained in position without glue and frequent readjustment of a part of the immobilizing apparatus is possible. This is impossible with casts. In compound fractures, provision ought to be made for dressing the wound of the soft structures.

To combat inflammation, a suitable cataplasm may be applied directly to the skin, the extremity bandaged, and the temporary immobilizing appliance may be secured over all.

This was the way it was going to have to be, Oliver realized. Talk wasn't going to do it. A counselor wouldn't work. This was their language. He pulled up her skirt and curved his right hand between her legs. His left hand reached up under her head and took a fistful of hair. He pulled her head down, immobilizing it, and rubbed slowly with his right hand.

As it was, the British Empire had to content itself with the idea that 120,000 military casualties, apart from the French and the naval losses which might have bought the downfall of Turkey shortened the war by a year at least, and saved a greater number of lives had the minor effect of immobilizing 300,000 Turks and facilitating the defence of Egypt and the conquest of Mesopotamia and Syria.

And amid her scorching fever a great cold shudder came upon her, immobilizing and stupefying her, while she was deafened by the clamorous voice rising from the depths of her being. All demur was swept away; the craving for that death remained intense, invincible, beneath the imperious stubborn call of the inner voice which robbed her of the power of will and action.

In this way she is immobilizing territories, continents, peoples, which nominally she takes over. And it is childish and imprudent to take barren possession of them, when other states allege their power to utilize them in the general interest. By acting in this manner, France, do what she may, is placing herself in opposition to the world's interests, and to those of the League of Nations.