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By-and-by a sulphur butterfly excited him so that he must run up the broad stone steps with the news. The woman laughed, looking at his flushed face, then down at his shoe-strings, which were untied: and then she jumped up, crying out sharply "Stand still, child stand still a moment!" She might well stare. Her boy stood and smiled in the sun, and his shadow lay on the whitened steps.

"I cannot do this thing. Take her and go." D'ri had turned away to hide his feelings. "Take them to your boat," said his Lordship. "Wait a minute," said D'ri, fixing his lantern. "Judas Priest! I ain't got no stren'th. I 'm all tore t' shoe-strings." I took her arm, and we followed D'ri to the landing. Lord Ronley coming with us. "Good-by," said he, leaning to push us off.

Betty was walking away as fast as she could, and she answered: "Miss, I can't stop to talk it has begun to rain behind us on the hills; we shall have it in no time; and there is no house this way to run into." "O la! Betty," cried Miss Bessy next; "my shoe-string is unpinned: do, for pity, lend me a big pin." "Why, Miss," said Betty, "sure you don't pin your shoe-strings?"

Didn't you have it waved?" "Helen, were you ever in New York in a blizzard?" enquired Betty, busily unlacing her shoe-strings. "No," said Helen. "Did it take out the curl?" "Would it take out the curl!" repeated Betty scornfully. "It would take out the curliest curl that ever was in thirty seconds. It was perfectly awful.

I only wanted to see how the novel was coming out before somebody takes the book away from me." "You talk like a pint of shoe-strings," growled Portlaw; "you'd better find out whose horse has been denting the lawn all over and tearing off several yards of sod." "I know already," said Malcourt. "Well, who had the nerve to " "None of your bally business, dear friend.

"That's all you get," Maudie burst out indignantly "all you get for packin' his stuff down to the landin', to have it all ready for him, and worryin' yourself into shoe-strings for fear he'd miss the boat." Mac, O'Flynn, and Potts condoled with the Colonel, while the fire of the old feud flamed and died. "Yes," the Colonel admitted, "I'd give five hundred dollars for a ticket on that steamer."

At this point there was a slight elevation on the morass, and Bele looked at Liot as he put his foot upon it, asking sharply: "Is this the crossing?" Liot fumbled at his shoe-strings and said not a word; for he knew it was not the crossing. "Is this the crossing, Liot?" Bele again asked. And again Liot answered neither yes nor no.

She looked hard at it, then she pulled her black braid over her shoulder and felt of the hard shoe-string knot, and frowned with an ugly frown of envy and bitterest injury, and asked herself the world-wide and world-old question as to the why of inequality, and, though it was based on such trivialities as blue ribbons and shoe-strings, it was none the less vital to her mind.

The handle was made from the branch of a beach-tree, which David cut first to make a cane of, for himself; but he broke his cane, and so he gave Caleb the rest of the stick for a whip-handle. The lash was made of leather. It was cut out of a round piece of thick leather, round and round, as they made leather shoe-strings, and then rolled upon a board.

A black woman in blue cotton gown, red-and-yellow Madras turban, and some sportsman's cast-off hunting-shoes minus the shoe-strings, crouched against the wall. Beside her stood her shapely mulatto daughter, with head-covering of white cotton cloth, in which female instinct had discovered the lines of grace and disposed them after the folds of the Egyptian fellah head dress.