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She was the less inclined to admit their attentions, and shielded herself with a grave coldness of stately manners; but their talk was far more free than at noon, suggesting the thought that they had anticipated the meal with some of the Nantz or other liquors that seemed to be in plenty.

He had relinquished, of his own accord, his design, and departed without compulsion. "Surely," said I, "there is omnipotence in the cause that changed the views of a man like Carwin. The divinity that shielded me from his attempts will take suitable care of my future safety. Thus to yield to my fears is to deserve that they should be real."

Oh, why didn't I cry out this afternoon?" "I knew you would not," he said, with cool unconcern. "Insolence! What do you mean by that?" she cried in confusion. "In your heart you knew I was doing no wrong. You shielded me then as you have shielded me from the beginning." "I don't see why I sit here and let you talk to me like that," she said, feeling the symptoms of collapse.

His mother's reputation for wealth, the knowledge that he was her sole heir, the high position of the family, shielded him from suspicion. Then came the thunderclap. He was caught in the act of "dealing a second" in the English Club, and driven from the club as a blackleg.

Morey how was it? I only used one-sixteenth power." "Well, don't use any more, then," said Morey. "We sure traveled! The things worked perfectly. By the way, it's a good thing we had all the relays magnetically shielded; the magnetic field down here was so strong that my pocket kit tried to start running circles around it.

And she had not discovered it in time, had not prevented it, had not shielded her as she ought. "Marylyn, honey, tell me what's the matter." The younger girl crept closer, screening her eyes. Dallas lifted her into her arms. Her cheek was feverish, her hands were dry and hot.

This cannot be defended theoretically, and no doubt much of the talk among the employers of household labor, that their employees are carefully shielded and cared for, and that it is so much better for a girl's health and morals to work in a household than to work in a factory, comes from a certain uneasiness of conscience, and from a desire to make up by individual scruple what would be done much more freely and naturally by public opinion if it had an untrammelled chance to assert itself.

"Are you going to be back in the dome by lunchtime?" "I think so. Might have some interesting news, too, incidentally." "Fine," she said. "See you then." Twenty minutes later the desk transmitter gave her the "to be shielded" signal. Up went the barrier again. Major Quillan's face looked out at her from the screen. He was, Trigger saw, in Mantelish's lab.

The point where they embarked was close by where the East River Bridge now touches the Brooklyn shore. It was daylight before the last of the troops got aboard, but a heavy fog shielded them as well as had the darkness. When the sun swept the fog away, General Howe gazed in wonder at the spot where the American forces had been the night before.

During her slumber it had grown dark, and a small lamp, whose rays a handkerchief shielded from her eyes, was standing on the stove in one corner of the room. Yet she was alone; but she had scarcely stirred when Frau Dubois appeared with a maid-servant bearing a candelabrum with lighted candles.