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No girl wants to think that a man is making love to her because she has money especially when she has other attractions.... To think that this man, who ought to have shielded you from everything, should be the one to humiliate you so!" She proceeded with an admirable mingling of flattery and friendliness to put Adelle on her guard against the male sex.

Quicker than a flash, the soldiers, as though divining the situation by instinct, formed a line that completely shielded him from the weapons of Indians. Seeing me, he rushed towards me and thrust the girl into my arms, saying, in an excited manner. "Take keer o' her, while I go back and give the red devils, hell!"

And then, in his usual insinuating, boastful way, he praised the woman's beauty and graciousness in words which had an indefinable offense, and yet one quite capable of that laughing denial which commonly shielded Bele's impertinence. "Brent gave me a piece of Saxony cloth and a gold brooch for her Brent is in Amsterdam.

The effect was instantaneous. The deputation, as the glance touched them, fell like skittles viscous, protoplasmic masses, victims of the terrible Mash-Glance of the Wenuses. I attributed my own escape to the prompt action of my wife, who stood before and shielded me, for upon women the Mash-Glance had no effect.

And yet, though the assassin was discovered and arrested, the hostility of the public toward the royal family was such that he was shielded from punishment. The king and queen occasionally held private interviews at midnight, with chosen friends, secretly introduced to the palace, in the apartment of the queen.

The friends were left alone, their talk was of death and eternity, on the solemn realities of which one of them was about to enter, and carefully as John had shielded Joe, tenderly as he had watched over him hitherto, he must now leave him to pass the stream alone yet not alone. Emilie soon returned; it was to see him die. It was not much that he could say, and much was not needed.

"Have you made any friends in the house?" asked Mr Noel of Charlie on one occasion; for he often seized an opportunity of talking to his younger boys, for whom he felt a sincere interest, and whom he would gladly have shielded from temptation to the very utmost of his power, had he but known that of which he was unhappily so ignorant the bad state of things among the boys under his care.

He threw aside the curtain which shielded the room from the larger apartment. "Horser, come here, you damned fool!" Horser, with a stream of magnificent invectives, obeyed the summons. His host pointed to the message. "Read that!" Mr. Horser read and his face grew even more repulsive.

Then, when she grew older, I used to watch the frolicsome child by the hour, building castles even then of the future, when she would be a woman and I a man, with a man's right to win her. I know that she shielded me from many a snare into which young men are apt to fall, for when the temptation was greatest, and I was at its verge, a thought of her was sufficient to lead me back to virtue.

She expected to find herself in his arms, shut in and shielded from all her troubles; but he stood his ground across the room, immovable. "Is it yes?" She faltered the word after him: "Yes ?" "Are you going to marry me?" She stared, bewildered. "Why, Elmer marry you? You forget!" "Forget what? That you don't want to give up what you've got?" "How can I? Such things are not done out here.