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Updated: August 25, 2024

"'Many turtles' heads were placed on the shelfs or niches of the excavation, amply demonstrative of the luxurious and profuse mode of life these outcasts of society had, at a period rather recently, followed. The roof and sides of this snug retreat were also entirely covered with the uncouth figures I have already described.

To think not one of my children home and to-day a holiday, my place not in order " "Now, now, Mrs. Fischlowitz, just so soon you go to one little bit of trouble, right away I got no more pleasure. Please, Mrs. Fischlowitz. Ach, if you 'ain't got on your pantry shelfs just the same paper edge like my Roody used to cut out for me." "Come, come, Mrs. Meyerburg, in parlor where " "Go way mit you.

"No: he off riding. He take long, long rides, sometime gone all day. Sometime he go on lake, paddle, paddle in the morning, very, very early, in night when the moon shine; sometime stay in house, and read, and study, and write, he great scholar, Misser Kirkwood." "A good many books, has n't he?" "He got whole shelfs full of books.

"No: he off riding. He take long, long rides, sometime gone all day. Sometime he go on lake, paddle, paddle in the morning, very, very early, in night when the moon shine; sometime stay in house, and read, and study, and write, he great scholar, Misser Kirkwood." "A good many books, has n't he?" "He got whole shelfs full of books.

He think now s'no one like you in the world, 'he help me a lot, Shoni, he say, 'with his Latin and his Greek, and the Vicare, he says, 'it wass wonderful how many books he got on his shelfs! and indeed I think," continued Shoni, "the two old men will live much longer now they got their noses over the same old book so often!"

Jagged rocks, sudden narrow miniature gullies, bushes with sharp thorns, slippery, treacherous shale, made the descent a trying one. Once Margery lost her footing on one of these shale shelfs. She fell flat on her back and slid screaming a full twenty yards, shooting out on a grassy slope little the worse for her slide, except that she had been badly frightened. Tommy was delighted.

You go to dat tabernickle to-night an' you keep on goin' an' le's see whut come to pass.... Jeffy, dey's a little mossil of cold peach cobbler lef over f'um dinner yistiddy settin' up yonder amongst de shelfs of my cu'board!" "Nome, thank you," said Jeff. "The emotions w'ich is in me seems lak they ain't left me no room fur nothin' else. Seems lak I can't git my mind on vittles yit.

What think ye to be the cause of these shelfs and flattes that stop up Sandwich Haven? 'Forsooth, syr, quoth he, 'I am an olde man; I think that Tenterton Steeple is the cause of Goodwin Sandes. For I am an olde man, syr, quod he, 'and I may remember the building of Tenterton Steeple, and I may remember when there was no steeple at all there.

So Maister More called this olde aged man unto him, and sayd, 'Father, tell me if ye can what is the cause of this great arising of the sande and shelfs here about this haven, the which stop it up that no shippes can arrive here.

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