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If he had seen her in the street, why did he not set upon her in the street, since through the street she must be carried at last? "'Semp. How will the young Numidian rave to see His mistress lost! If aught could glad my soul Beyond th' enjoyment of so bright a prize, 'Twould be to torture that young, gay barbarian. But hark! what noise? Death to my hopes! 'tis he, 'Tis Juba's self!

They talk as if she were as hard to be found as a hare in a frosty morning. "'SEMP. But how to gain admission? Oh! she is found out then, it seems. "'But how to gain admission? for access Is giv'n to none but Juba and her brothers. But, raillery apart, why access to Juba? For he was owned and received as a lover neither by the father nor by the daughter. Well, but let that pass.

in my opinion the shortest and likeliest way of coming at the lady was by demolishing, instead of putting on an impertinent disguise to circumvent two or three slaves. But Sempronius, it seems, is of another opinion. He extols to the skies the invention of old Syphax: "'SEMP. Heavens! what a thought was there! "Now, I appeal to the reader if I have not been as good as my word.

It was to this officer that colonel Semp introduced us, and, as was usual with him, in very flattering terms; styling us "continental colonels, and two of the wealthiest and most distinguished patriots of South Carolina!" I shall never forget what I felt when introduced to this gentleman. He appeared to be rather elderly.

"Now comes bully Sempronius, comically accoutred and equipped with his Numidian dress and his Numidian guards. Let the reader attend to him with all his ears, for the words of the wise are precious: "'SEMP. The deer is lodged; I've tracked her to her covert.

Semp, who appeared overjoyed to see us, and immediately offered to introduce us to the general. His excellency Horatio Gates was the commander in chief, but as he had not yet arrived, the command rested on that brave old German general, the baron de Kalb.

Let but Sempronius lead us in our flight, We'll force the gate where Marcus keeps his guard, And hew down all that would oppose our passage; A day will bring us into Caesar's camp. SEMP. Confusion! I have failed of half my purpose; Marcia, the charming Marcia's left behind. Well, but though he tells us the half-purpose he has failed of, he does not tell us the half that he has carried.

"'SEMP. Know, villains, when such paltry slaves presume To mix in treason, if the plot succeeds, They're thrown neglected by; but, if it fails, They're sure to die like dogs, as you shall do. Here, take these factious monsters, drag them forth To sudden death. "'Tis true, indeed, the second leader says there are none there but friends; but is that possible at such a juncture?