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To understand the meaning of secession and the Civil War which followed it, we must fathom the thoughts and feelings of the opposing parties. Let us suppose two representative spokesmen to state their case in turn. Let the Secessionist speak first. The Secessionists were not at first a majority of the people of the Southern States, but it was their view which prevailed.

The secessionist was not so much impressed by the rather slender oath with which Seth clinched his speech, as by the sharp and earnest tone in which the whole was uttered, Seth walking savagely up to him as he spoke. All the while, the alarm raised by the negro, and the dog, and the women, was sounding in the man's ears. "They're after my turkeys!

The disloyal Copperheads became more bodeful than ever before; while men who would have hanged a Copperhead as gladly as they would have shot a Secessionist felt their hearts sink before the undeniable Southern prestige.

"Well," was the quiet response, "we are Black Republicans. I am the blackest of them all." The fair Secessionist was much confused, and for fully a minute remained silent. Then she said "I must confess I did not fully understand what Black Republicans were. I never saw any before." During the evening she was quite courteous, though persistent in declaring her sentiments.

The chief of police with fifty officers appeared on the scene, who, by presenting cocked revolvers, held the rioters in check for a while, till the distressed troops could join their comrades. Baltimore was in the hands of this secessionist band for the rest of the day. The bridges north of that city were also burned, so that no more troops could reach Washington by this route.

I attended Saint Paul's, the fashionable Episcopalian church, where Lee, Davis, Memminger, and the rest had been communicants, and heard Doctor Minnegerode discourse. He was one of the Prussian refugees of 1848, and, though a hot Jacobin there, became a more bitter secessionist here. He is learned, fluent, and thoughtful, but speaks with a slight Teutonic accent.

It was the Maryland secessionist whose turkeys the boys had stolen, and who, in consequence, had made haste to avenge his wrongs by joining the confederate army. A strange, sickening sensation came over Frank at the discovery. Thus the evil he had done followed him.

Bear it in mind, then, that they desire to control a nomination for no other purpose than to have it defeated by a line of sections. "Yours truly, "I am a secessionist and not a revolutionist, and would not 'precipitate, but carefully prepare to meet an inevitable dissolution." Yancey to Pryor, "Richmond South," copied in "National Intelligencer," September 4, 1858.

The sun had set, and we stopped for the night with a rabid Secessionist, whom our soldier-friend on the mountain had recommended to us. He received us with open arms, shared with us the best his house afforded giving us his bedroom, and sleeping with his family in the kitchen.

Betty laughed: "I'm afraid you're not a good judge of the needs of the incoming administration. As an avowed Secessionist you're hardly in their confidence." "Thank God, I'm not." "What are those horses doing over there by the trees?" "Masked battery of artillery." "Don't be silly!" "It's true. Old Scott's going to save the Capital on Inauguration Day any how!