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The tuberculous and the scrofulous are recognised by their diseases, and the insane and the immoral by their actions." "But mistakes may be made!" "Yes, but it's no use to be afraid of getting your feet wet when you are threatened with the deluge!" "That's philosophy," laughed the deacon. "Not a bit of it.

He spent the remainder of that night, not in dreams of paradise and of spirits redeemed from the thraldom of the flesh, but in increasing the population of this astonishing planet, by assisting to deliver a scrofulous, half-witted shrieking servant-girl of twins illegitimate in the fusty atmosphere of a cottage garret, right up under the rat-eaten thatch.

From Windsor he went on the sixteenth of August to Portsmouth, walked round the fortifications, touched some scrofulous people, and then proceeded in one of his yachts to Southampton. From Southampton he travelled to Bath, where he remained a few days, and where he left the Queen.

A. or Dr. B. did the child good for the time, but this or that symptom returned as soon as the treatment was discontinued, as though this were the doctor's fault, they are unjust; for the tendency to return of every form of scrofulous disease is one of the great characteristics of the malady.

I judged that a sharp, bright new nickel, with a first-rate likeness of the king on one side of it and Guenever on the other, and a blooming pious motto, would take the tuck out of scrofula as handy as a nobler coin and please the scrofulous fancy more; and I was right. This batch was the first it was tried on, and it worked to a charm. The saving in expense was a notable economy.

As people are born blind or scrofulous, so I suppose others can be born devoid of heart or conscience, inheriting from a degenerate ancestry sundry mean and vile propensities in their places. Human nature is a scale that runs both up and down, and it is astonishing how far the extremes can be apart." "How high is it possible for the same individual to rise in this scale?

These centers the surgeon promptly removes; but the real disease, the venereal, psoriatic or scrofulous taint, the uric or oxalic acid, the poisonous alkaloids and ptomaines affecting every cell and every drop of blood in the body, these elude the surgeon's knife and create new ulcers, abscesses, inflammations, stones, cancers, etc., as fast as the old ones are extirpated.

He considered him as attacked with the same scrofulous disorder of which his brother had died at Meudon, and proposed his immediate removal to the country. This idea was, of course, regarded as preposterous. He was, however, transferred to a more airy room; but the change had no permanent effect.

He was greatly vexed and troubled, but when he saw Gloria, he was glad." "Glad!" echoed the King; "For what reason, pray?" "I am afraid, Sir," said the young man with a smile, "his gladness was but a part of his science! He said it was better for a prince to wed a healthy and beautiful commoner, than the daughter of a hundred scrofulous kings!"

Take of iodine 3 grs., lard 2 drms.; make into an ointment; applied to scrofulous swellings when the skin is unbroken. It is the only cure for what is popularly termed thick neck. Take of iodide of zinc 1 drm., lard 1 oz.; make onto an ointment. A drm. to be rubbed on twice a day in tumors.