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I have seen hundreds of thousands of acres of what once were beautiful and fertile cattle-grazing lands in Montana, that has been left by grazing sheep herds looking precisely as if the ground had been shaven with razors and then sandpapered. The sheep have driven out the cattle, and the price of beef has gone up accordingly.

Later, the colonial dame, if she belonged to the prosperous class for there were classes, even in the beginning of colonial life had her beautifully shaped mahogany linen wheel, made by the skillful artificers of England or Holland, more beautiful perhaps, but not more capable than that of the farm wife, whittled and sandpapered into smoothness by her husband or sons, and both were used with the same result.

The palatial dining-room that night, being a copy of a good church or something from ancient Italy, smelled like a paint shop indeed and sounded like one through dinner. 'That woodwork will be fit to second-coat first thing in the morning, says old Angus. 'I'll have it sandpapered in no time, says the boy.

What Quebec is to Canada, New Mexico is to the United States a mosaic in color; a bit of the Old World set down in the New; a relic of the historic and the picturesque not yet sandpapered into the commonplace by the friction of progress and democracy. I confess I am glad of it.

"When it's sandpapered," he said to himself, "and the dust blown off, I suppose it will be done." The "sandpapering" took a week longer. At the end of that time, Harlan concluded that any manuscript was done when the writer had read it carefully a dozen times without making a single change in it.

Soaking it in water won't do, nor will anything else that I know of except, as I say, burying it. When the riata is resurrected it should again be left for a time stretched over a block, with a weight to hold it taut. Then the hair should be sandpapered off the outside, and when the riata is greased with mutton tallow and properly noosed it is ready for use.

He was not to blame that the beautiful earth under a magnificent December sunset sky seemed all his own now. "'If big, handsome Victor Burleigh had his corners knocked off and was sandpapered down," he mused. "Well, what corners I haven't knocked off myself have been knocked off for me and I've been sandpapered Lord, I've been sandpapered down all right. I'm at home on a carpet now.

The play of "Oedipe" was presented by Voltaire at the Theater Francaise, November Eighteenth, Seventeen Hundred Eighteen. This play was written before the author's sojourn in prison, but there he had sandpapered its passages, and hand-polished the epigrams.

Soft wood floors of such woods as pine, fir, and cypress can be made to have the appearance of hardwood if first scraped or sandpapered and then stained with an oil stain and finished with a thin coat of shellac and two coats of prepared floor wax.

Surely the long straight rows of stately poplars that divide the beautiful landscape like the squares of a checker-board are set with line and plummet, and their uniform height determined with a spirit level. Surely the straight, smooth, pure white turnpikes are jack-planed and sandpapered every day. How else are these marvels of symmetry, cleanliness, and order attained? It is wonderful.