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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Nice place, this," said he, with a nauseating smirk. "So close to Lake Worth eh? Only two days' ride on the choo-choo, if you make connections, and when changing take the right trains." I pretended not to see him, and began to whistle the intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rusticana," to show how little I cared. "Good plan, old chap," said he; "but it won't work.

One of the San Martino young ladies played the viola and the other the piano, and people urged them to exhibit their skill. The talkative Neapolitan turned over the pieces of music in the music-stand, and after discussing with the two contessinas, he placed on the rack the "Intermezzo" from Cavalleria Rusticana. The two sisters played, and the listeners made great eulogies about their ability.

The church had been slowly filling, the choir filed into their places, the organ stopped playing Cavalleria Rusticana, a hush fell over the place and Doctor Leslie, his white hair and black gown passing through the changing lights of the windows, came slowly out of the vestry and up to the pulpit.

Still this is only Chicago!" "It's not Chicago! It's the world! Listen to that now the music of the spheres!" We approached another gondola that had withdrawn itself from the center of the channel close in to a small island. The man at the stern was doing nothing very picturesquely, but the man at the bow, a swarthy Venetian, was pouring out his soul in an aria from "Cavalleria Rusticana."

He would hail the carriage-drivers, sitting huddled on their seats, who every now and then would, in a nasal, droning, throaty voice, intone the thousand and one couplets. He was amazed to find himself humming Cavalleria Rusticana. He had entirely forgotten the end of his journey. Forgotten, too, was his haste to reach the end and Grazia....

Meanwhile " He rummaged among a lot of paper bound plays on the table "Here's 'Cavalleria Rusticana. Read it with a view to yourself as either Santuzzao or Lola. Study her first entrance what you would do with it. Don't be frightened. I expect nothing from you nothing whatever. I'm glad you know nothing about acting. You'll have the less to unlearn." They had been moving towards the elevator.

For, to take only modern instances, Italy, on whose congenial soil 'Cavalleria Rusticana' and the productions it suggested met with such extraordinary success, saw also in 'Falstaff' the wittiest and most brilliant musical comedy since 'Die Meistersinger', and in 'Madama Butterfly' a lyric of infinite delicacy, free from any suggestion of unworthy emotion.

The name of Pietro Mascagni is chiefly connected in the minds of opera-goers with 'Cavalleria Rusticana, This work, which was produced in 1890, lifted its composer at once into popularity. The story is founded upon one of Verga's Sicilian tales. Turiddu, a village Adonis, is beloved by the fair Lola.

The work seemed to Racksole to continue for interminable hours, and then at last Rocco ceased, gave a sign of satisfaction, whistled several bars from 'Cavalleria Rusticana', and came into the bath-room, where he took off his coat, and very quietly washed his hands.

Smart be-ribboned nurses carrying babies on white silk cushions tied with pink or blue rosettes, young married women with their children, stout mothers chaperoning the elaborate vivacity of their daughters, occupied seats near the bandstand, or lingered about the paths as they chattered and fanned themselves incessantly to the strains of the Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana or some march of Verdi's.

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