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My mate told me that the time in which they got that there Pyramus ataunto again, that day, and the royals upon her, was never a'terwards beaten!"

Barely was she clear of the land when a string of small flags broke out from her mizzen rigging, and almost as if by magic, the yard arms of all three vessels were alive with men, and royals, top gallants, and mainsails with machine-like precision were dewed up and furled, and each ship, stripped of all but its topsails, rounded to, with its head to the wind.

By this time the Royals being in the front and the Highlanders in the rear, the enemy stretched away and took possession of a hill, seemingly disposed to keep at a distance, and always retreating as the army advanced. Colonel Montgomery perceiving that they kept aloof, gave orders to the line to face about, and march directly for the town of Etchoe.

In fact, mention thereof has been found in documents more than a thousand years old. The meetings afford an extraordinary sight, and are the scenes of numerous single combats to death between "Royals," the other stags and the deer standing round, as if to form a huge amphitheatre, and gravely watching the duel without making any attempt to interfere.

On the other hand, the Camisards perceiving at some distance bodies of infantry coming up to reinforce the royals, instead of pursuing their foes, contented themselves with keeping up a thick and well-directed musketry-fire from the position in which they had won such a quick and easy victory.

Walking the deck with quick, side-lunging strides, Ahab commanded the t'gallant sails and royals to be set, and every stunsail spread. The best man in the ship must take the helm. Then, with every mast-head manned, the piled-up craft rolled down before the wind.

The French had now received heavy reinforcement Kellermann's heavy horse having come upon the field and as neither the Dutch nor Belgian cavalry would face the French troopers they were free to employ their whole cavalry force against the British infantry. Again and again they charged down upon the Twenty-eighth, Forty-second, Forty-fourth, and First Royals.

'And now for the other, said the little officer, turning away from the window and wiping the tears of laughter from his face. 'That beam over yonder would serve our purpose. Where is Hangman Broderick, the Jack Ketch of the Royals? 'Here I am, sir, responded a sullen, heavy-faced trooper, shuffling forward; 'I have a rope here with a noose. 'Throw it over the beam, then.

The ship was kept away, studding-sails and royals were set; and the frigate, gliding rapidly over the water, stood towards the stranger. The latter, though she must have seen her coming, showed no inclination to avoid her; but, on the contrary, hauled her wind, that they might the sooner meet.

As the big, turreted, towered, ivied pile of stone and mortar called Catheron Royals, with its great bell booming, its Union Jack waving, reared up before the soap-boiler's daughter she absolutely cowered with a dread that had no name. "I am afraid!" she said. "Oh, Victor, I am afraid!" He laughed not quite naturally, though.