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Sprague's Brigade, of the same corps, was engaged at the same time within hearing, but on a different field, at Decatur, fighting and stubbornly holding that place, knowing that if he failed the trains massed there and en route from Roswell would be captured.

"Yes," he replied, "he happened to be in New York when Van Dorn got back, and from his description of the place, and mine, he says he would like to see it. He is coming out to the coast by another route, and wants me to meet him in San Francisco, and then we will stop here on our return."

I had remarked that women, and sometimes men, were met in my rambles through the forest, on their way to Belinian by this concealed route, instead of taking the open path; this aroused my suspicion, as the chief, Allorron, and his people declared that they were enemies of the Belinian natives. The position had become intolerable. The fact could no longer be concealed that the Baris were hostile.

Both were three-year-olds, tried in the fire of spring racing; both held able to go the distance and stay the route, in that they had won from everything except from each other. By some curious chance they had not met before that season in their two-year-old form they had won and lost to each other.

Payen de religion, Rutilius a montré son aversion pour la religion chrétienne dans des vers , confondant ensemble les chrétiens et les Juifs, il dit du mal des deux sectes. C'est par une suite des mêmes sentimens qu'ayant vu, sur sa route, des moines dans lile Capraia, il fit contre le monachisme ces autres vers, que je citerai pour donner une idée de sa manière.

Gorman, he was first asked to describe the shortest route from Baltimore to China. The "bright young man" replied brightly, according to Mr. Gorman, that he didn't want to go from Baltimore to China, and therefore had never concerned himself about the choice of routes. He was then asked, according to Mr.

We at once dropped back over the hill and taking a circuitous route, we rode on the opposite side of them from camp, and cautiously to within about a hundred and fifty yards, when they raised their heads, took a good look at us and started off toward the train.

There is a route which leads direct to Tuat from Taghajeet, and also another from Aisou to Tuat. With regard to the marabouts, they seem quiet enough. It would appear there is an enormous fellow amongst them, who every year, during one night, flies to Mekka and back again. The marabouts of all countries pretend to find events written plainly, or shadowed forth, in their books.

The immediate purpose agreed upon was to stop this projectile, to erect across its route an obstacle against which it would smash into a thousand pieces. But was there time? Would not the machine appear at any moment?

Next day general Sinclair advanced into the country, skirmishing with the enemy in his route; and arriving at the village of Plemure, within half a league from Port L'Orient, summoned that place to surrender.