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Captain Parkinson, stiff and erect in his chair, staring fixedly at a spot two feet above the reporter's head, seemed to weigh, as a judge weighs, the facts so picturesquely, set forth. Dr. Trendon, his sturdy frame half in shadow, had slouched far down into himself.

Cheerfully sure that he could trust Lois Dunlap's discretion and distaste for publicity, Dundee went on, grinning at the reporter's use of his own lurid phrase. Two minutes later Sanderson, Strawn and Dundee were closeted in Dr. Price's own office with Lydia Carr.

It was simply two glasses which he had taken from his own and the reporter's watches. Having filled them with water and rendered their edges adhesive by means of a little clay, he thus fabricated a regular burning-glass, which, concentrating the solar rays on some very dry moss, soon caused it to blaze.

"Say, Frank," he began hesitatingly, "I don't suppose you could " Frank turned and saw the wistful look in the young reporter's eyes. "Take you up?" he said, with a laugh at Billy's downcast appearance. Billy nodded. "Well, there's not much room for passengers the way she is fixed at present," laughed Harry catching Frank's mirth, "but if you want to squeeze in by me here, you can.

What does it avail?" let me take you once more back to the Mulberry Bend, and to the policeman's verdict add the police reporter's story of what has taken place there. In fifteen years I never knew a week to pass without a murder there, rarely a Sunday. It was the wickedest, as it was the foulest, spot in all the city.

This is the reporter's form of greeting to almost everyone he meets, and means: "Have you any news for me?" "Good-evening," replied Officer Higgins. "I was just thinking about you." "Nothing bad, I hope." "No, I was wishing you'd happen along. You remember we were talking the other night about a strange man that you thought was in here?" "Yes."

I've come prepared," and he handed Kelson and Curtis, each, a pencil and a reporter's notebook.

He opened his eyes swollen with sleep, ready to send me flying, without in the least believing in my reporter's fancies. I had to assure him that the man was there! "'That's strange! he said; 'I thought I left him this afternoon in Paris. "He dressed himself in haste and armed himself with a revolver. We stole quietly into the gallery. "'Where is he? Larsan asked.

Less than a week later that same choleric director, with the burning deep-set black eyes, the finely chiseled features and the halo of silver hair surrounding a bald spot that turns purple in his passions, walked into a room where a girl of this reporter's acquaintance stood beside a canary cage, making a rather successful attempt at whistling, in time and tune with the bird.

Then he went carelessly indoors again as if he were secure of reading the reporter's story of it in that next day's paper which he should not see. The sense of an inseverable continuity persisted through the breakfast, which was like other breakfasts in the place they would be leaving in summer shrouds just as they always left it at the end of June.