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Updated: August 22, 2024

Anyone, on paying the fee for copying and certifying, can obtain a copy of any document that has been recorded in a register's office. If an original deed is lost, the certified copy of the register has all the legality of the original. All deeds and other papers of value should be carefully kept, so that they may be available, if needed.

A credit system was also established, whereby so small a portion as a half-section could be purchased on instalment payments, with interest at six per cent. This law made the lands very attractive, as credit propositions always are. Prospective landholders rushed across the mountains and stood in line before the register's doors.

The houses are rather neat and well kept; but the street was full of little ragged, merry mendicants. We went into a small branch of the Bank of Ireland, and asked where we should find the hotel. We were very civilly directed to "The Register's Office over the way." This seemed odd enough.

"I smelled it in the air when I got up this mornin'," I answered. Now, that was the fact. I didn't know there was a man in the department named O'Brien, much less that he had got out, but my scent led me to the Water Register's office, and it don't often lead me wrong. A cosmopolitan ain't needed in all the other districts, but our men are just the kind to rule.

And then we find an entry at the Register's to the effect that they were married on June Twenty-fourth, Sixteen Hundred Thirty-four. Rembrandt's was a masterly nature: strong, original and unyielding. But the young woman had no wish that was not his, and her one desire was to make her lover happy.

The clerk who should have filed the plans in the register's office left that duty to some one else, and it took just twenty-one days to make the journey, a distance of five hundred feet or less. The Greater New York had come then with Tammany, and the thing was not heard of again. When I traced the failure down to the clerk in question, and told him that he had killed the park, he yawned and said:

"This little document, gentlemen, is a certificate from the register's office at Denver, stating that the Lost Claim, which lies just within this cave here, is the property of Herman von Zepplin. Had you examined this neighborhood more closely you would have found my claim stakes driven, as required by law.

Hundreds of applicants for cedulus besiege the register's office, the natives apparently being under the impression that their possession insures them from interference and the ignominy of being searched for arms on the streets. There was a mystery lasting a day or two about this unusual cable communication: "Manila, Feb. 24.

Upon the register's books the Government was charged with every issue that passed out of his office, and it was days, usually, and not infrequently it was weeks, before the securities passed from the Treasury into the hands of creditors or purchasers of securities.

Supreme court, the judges elected for fifteen years; courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery in the counties, held by judges of the supreme court and court of common pleas; a court of common pleas in each judicial district, which may not include more than five counties, the presiding judge to hold his office for ten years, the associates for five years; a court of quarter sessions and orphans' court for each county, held by judges of the common pleas; a register's court for each county, composed of the register of wills and judges of the common pleas; and courts held in the several townships, wards, and boroughs, by justices of the peace or aldermen elected by the voters therein, for five years.

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