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We watched her for hours, and she showed no sign or gleam of recovery. Her sleep was deeper than either Sebastian's or Hilda's had been. She had taken a big dose, so as to secure immobility. The question now was, would she recover at all from it? Hour after hour we waited and watched; and not a sign of movement!

Aubrey, though with the appetite of recovery and sea-air combined, could not help pausing to listen, and, when his meal was over, leant back in his chair, listened again, and gave a sigh of content. 'It is one constant hush, hushaby, he said; 'it would make one sleep pleasantly.

I do not think," said Doctor Manette with the firmness of self-conviction, "that anything but the one train of association would renew it. I think that, henceforth, nothing but some extraordinary jarring of that chord could renew it. After what has happened, and after his recovery, I find it difficult to imagine any such violent sounding of that string again.

I loved him with such an ardent passion, that I believed it impossible that Providence would deprive me of him. My medical attendant, or rather my friend, Genu, advised me to take him to Jala-Jala, where his native air and the country, as he said, would without doubt promote his recovery.

Policy of electing Anjou as sovereign Commode et incommode Views of Orange Opinions at the French Court, Anjou relieves Cambray Parma besieges Tourney Brave defence by the Princess of Espinoy Honorable capitulation Anjou's courtship in England The Duke's arrival in the Netherlands Portrait of Anjou Festivities in Flushing Inauguration at Antwerp The conditions or articles subscribed to by the Duke Attempt upon the life of Orange The assassin's papers Confession of Venero Gaspar Anastro His escape Execution of Venero and Zimmermann Precarious condition of the Prince His recovery Death of the Princess Premature letters of Parma Further negotiations with Orange as to the sovereignty of Holland and Zealand Character of the revised Constitution Comparison of the positions of the Prince before and after his acceptance of the countship.

After a long voyage through the canal which had been dug a short time before, connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea, the three men reached Clysma. It was long since Hermon had felt so free and light-hearted as during this voyage. He firmly believed in his recovery.

If this is impracticable, the artery is tied above and below the communication; gangrene of the limb may supervene, and we have observed a case in which the gangrene extended up to the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the thigh, and in which recovery followed upon amputation of the thigh.

At these words Maria clasped the excited girl's hands, saying beseechingly: "Be quiet, be quiet, Henrica. You must think only of your recovery now. And shall I confess something? I believe everything hard can be more easily borne, if we can cast it impatiently forth like the sea of which you speak; with me one thing is piled on another and remains lying there, as if buried under the sand."

Back to my brother's and took my wife, and carried her to my uncle Fenner's and there had much private discourse with him. He tells me of the Doctor's thoughts of my brother's little hopes of recovery, and from that to tell me his thoughts long of my brother's bad husbandry, and from that to say that he believes he owes a great deal of money, as to my cozen Scott I know not how much, and Dr. Thos.

It is that you will give me your candid and honest opinion of my situation. Have you any well-grounded hopes of my recovery? If you have not, you will confer a great obligation upon me by saying so." Doctor Hill, who was standing at the other side of the bed, prevented any answer, by saying, "Come! come! Mr.