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Ratsch was beginning; 'how dare you... such insolence... Susanna all at once drew herself up to her full height, and still holding her elbows, squeezing them tight, drumming on them with her fingers, she stood still facing Ratsch. She seemed to challenge him to conflict, to stand up to meet him.

The police superintendent's assistant, the officer of roads and highways, and Mr. Ratsch, who had probably not expected such a speedy termination to his eloquence, tried to restore order... but their efforts were unavailing. My neighbour, the fishmonger, even fell foul of Mr. Ratsch himself.

The slightest communication with her and no punishment will be too severe.... Take her! Mr. Ratsch conducted me to my room. Crossing the courtyard, he said nothing, but kept laughing noiselessly to himself. He closed the shutters and the doors, and then, as he was finally returning, he bowed low to me as he had to Semyon Matveitch, and went off into a ponderous, triumphant guffaw!

Did you notice the peculiar sneer with which he spoke of Jews before her? Is she... a Jewess? Fustov walked ahead, swinging his arms; it was cold, the snow was crisp, like salt, under our feet. 'Yes, I recollect, I did hear something of the sort, he observed at last.... 'Her mother, I fancy, was of Jewish extraction. 'Then Mr. Ratsch must have married a widow the first time? 'Probably.

Ratsch bawled, 'In God's name! start! and the procession started. Besides Mr. In the church there were a good many people assembled, more outsiders than acquaintances, as one could see by the expression of their faces. The service did not last long. What surprised me was that Mr.

Ratsch tried to ingratiate himself with him too, but becoming convinced of the uselessness of his efforts, promptly took up himself an attitude of hostility to him, and not only did not disguise it from Semyon Matveitch, but, on the contrary, lost no opportunity of showing it, expressing, at the same time, his regret that he had been so unlucky as to displease the young heir. Mr.

Ratsch, dealing himself a smack on the haunch, 'what you've found Susanna Ivanovna and me busy upon: we're at our accounts. My spouse has no great head for arithmetic, and I, I must own, try to spare my eyes. I can't read without spectacles, what am I to do? Let the young people exert themselves, ha-ha! That's the proper thing.

'Not a bit of it! Ivan Demianitch boomed at once: 'the veteran of the year twelve has not that honour! Fustov mentioned my name first, then, indicating the 'veteran of the year twelve, he pronounced: 'Ivan Demianitch Ratsch, professor of... various subjects. 'Precisely so, various they are, precisely, Mr. Ratsch chimed in.

Yes, sir, I'm a Czech, and my native place is ancient Prague! By the way, Alexander Daviditch, why haven't we seen you for so long! We ought to have a little duet... ha-ha! Really! 'I was at your place the day before yesterday, Ivan Demianitch, replied Fustov. 'But I call that a long while, ha-ha! When Mr. Ratsch laughed, his white eyes shifted from side to side in a strange, restless way.

'A nervous temperament,'Ratsch pronounced, rotating on his heels, and slapping himself on the haunch, 'suffers with the plexus solaris. Oh! you needn't look at me like that, Piotr Gavrilitch! I've had a go at anatomy too, ha, ha! I'm even a bit of a doctor! You ask Eleonora Karpovna... I cure all her little ailments! Oh, I'm a famous hand at that!