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It doubles itself in the middle of his life, reflects itself in another, repeats itself, protasis, epitasis, catastasis, catastrophe. It repeats itself again when he is near the grave, when his married daughter Susan, chip of the old block, is accused of adultery. But it was the original sin that darkened his understanding, weakened his will and left in him a strong inclination to evil.

Enallage of the adv. and adj. ef. G. 18: extra. Ne sensisset. Would not have felt, etc., i.e. he recovered all the plundered offerings of the temple, but those which had been sacrilegiously taken away by Nero for the supply of his vicious pleasures. This explanation supposes a protasis understood, or rather implied in quam Neronis. See Wr. and Or. in loc.

It consists of two parts, a protasis and an apodosis. For instance " "It's laughing at me you are." "It is not, but trying to educate you a little. For instance, I should be putting a hypothetical case if I were to say, 'Supposing you cooked the dinner I described every day for Mr. Doyle " "I couldn't do it then, for I wouldn't be fit."

This stuff, as the Centaur rubbed it in with his fingers, turned the appearance of his hoofs to gold. "Hail, friend," says Jurgen, "if you be the work of God." "Your protasis is not good Greek," observed the Centaur, "because in Hellas we did not make such reservations. Besides, it is not so much my origin as my destination which concerns you." "Well, friend, and whither are you going?"

POSSUM NOMINARE: 'I am able to name'; in colloquial English 'I might name'. The Latins occasionally use also a hypothetical form, where possim or possem stands in the apodosis of a conditional sentence, the protasis of which is not expressed; but the missing protasis is generally easily supplied and was distinctly present to the writer's mind.

EFFLUXISSET: subjunctive because the mood of posset, to which it stands in subordinate relation Cum here is purely temporal. See Roby, 1778; A. 342; G. 666; H. 529, II. POSSET: see n. on esset above, 3. SI ... SOLETIS ... SUMUS: the apodosis and protasis do not exactly correspond; the sense really required is 'if that wisdom for which you admire me does exist, it lies in this', etc.

A scheme for the repristination of passenger and goods traffics over Irish waterways, when freed from weedbeds. Positing what protasis would the contraction for such several schemes become a natural and necessary apodosis? What eventuality would render him independent of such wealth? The independent discovery of a goldseam of inexhaustible ore.

On the use of ut sic dixerim for ut sic dicam, which is peculiar to the silver age, see Z. 528. Asia, sc. Minor. Africa, sc. the Roman Province of that name, comprising the territory of Carthage. Peteret. The question implies a negative answer, cf. The subj. implies a protasis understood: if he could, or the like. Sit. Praesens, ut de re vera. Guen.

The characters were but in their introduction. The passions and the incidents would be developed hereafter. Applause hitherto would be impertinent. Silent attention was the effect all-desirable. The protasis, in fact, was scarcely unfolded. The interest would warm in the next act, against which a special incident was provided.

From his first parley with the centinel, to his leaving the city of Strasburg, after pulling off his crimson-sattin pair of breeches, is the Protasis or first entrance where the characters of the Personae Dramatis are just touched in, and the subject slightly begun.